50 days without a single drop of alcohol

50 days without a single drop of alcohol.
50 days without a single toke of weed.
50 days without a single smoke of tobacco.
50 days without a single minute of porn.
50 days without masturbation.

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I'm very sorry, for I forgot to add:

We are all going to make it.

30 years of not being a loser who has to make a post about having a basic level of self control for 50 days.

I'm very sorry, I forgot to add:

Op is a faggot.

now start praying 5 times a day

Attached: already_tired.png (500x381, 152.26K)

may you find peace, dear user.


good for you user, keep it up.

ive been without porn and weed for months now, but still spank it and vape. drink only occasionally, like once per month. but hopefully i'll get to your level eventually.

ygmi bro

I love pol.

Is this part of your homosexual freemason cult stuff?

now try 50 days without food

I honestly think you are beyond my level already dear user. Moderation in full consciousness is better than abstinence, abstinence is better than excess. You seem to be able to walk the middle path already, congratulations! I sincerely hope to reach the place you are at some day.


Seems you might have contracted a touch of the gay

Attached: coding-drunk.jpg (511x610, 109.54K)

Can’t even spell, ngmi

Sorry man. I thank my ancestors. White people evolved drinking alcohol. Those that couldn't adapt to it died a long time ago and we're the ancestors of those that could. All the lesser races are now facing what my ancestors went through. Weak ones that can't handle it die out.
Goddamn it's good to be white.

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go back

you got to admit, it's cute to see people using /thread in their very own posts

become muslim, go to jannah

I firmly believe yahweh/jehova/allah/abrahamic god is the demiurge of this realm.
I firmly reject catholicism/judaism/islam
Sorry dear user, seems our paths are different.

you could still live according to shariah law
are you anti-natalist by chance?

I do not wish to bring a son/daughter into this realm. I will not further my bloodline beyond this current vessel.
