Nigger fatigue thread

I'm not even angry at them, I'm just tired. I don't want to live near them, but every "ideal" location has them. Genuinely what the fuck can we do to combat this

Attached: 1479620377891.jpg (1280x840, 95.45K)

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I want to live on a farm.

Guess how they got here?

The slave trade was a jewish enterprise. Jews push slavery myths to cover-up for themselves and to D&C the populace.
>711 AD - Jews help Moors take over Iberia
>711~1400 - Jews run all the vice in the Mediterranean, including the slave trade and even child slavery
>1492 - the year Jews were finally expelled from Spain
>1492 - the year Columbus discovers America
>1492 - the beginning of the rise of the Atlantic slave trade
>most of the Spanish merchants, traders and explorers were jews evading the inquisition

The slave trade, cotton plantations and sugar plantations etc. and their industries were utterly run by jews. See this thread for the full sourced facts:

Like you deal with mosquitos user, you know their habits and you can look at an area and tell they may be there. If all else fails keep something to spray them with.

Attached: gas station.webm (480x506, 1.76M)

we all do.

Lmao this bum ass cracka coping bet you got checked earlier now you crying

Moving to comfy north florida soon. NOT JACKSONVILLE. Somewhere landlocked mid state with no niggers.

Cope nigger

Attached: 1v4.webm (488x398, 1.61M)

I want to live in a wodden cabin very deep in the woods

You get hips like that from 10+ welfare babies from niggers like this We all do.

Attached: 2A20CC81-7E61-45BF-BE9D-3BB9C4F6293D.jpg (828x1459, 1.04M)

Attached: Blacks humping in a tree.webm (480x882, 2.77M)


Attached: AirportApes.webm (320x564, 2.84M)

Attached: AverageNightInChicago.webm (640x800, 2.71M)

Attached: BlackRobbingABank.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

The world seriously needs a white only country or zone. Ideally everyone could have one but “muh racist” faggots ruin it for everyone.

Fucking lmao just like a chimp

Attached: Blacks humping everything .webm (360x480, 1.21M)

>Genuinely what the fuck can we do to combat this
nothing can happen until white people are honest with ourselves about the true nature of the situation

This one makes me burn with rage. I don’t care that they’re niglets, beating children like this should warrant a hanging while on fire.

Attached: BlackMomBeatingChildren.webm (260x480, 2.93M)

Move to Sydney

Whites are waking up a breakneck speed. We’re a couple of years from the jew being named openly; even normies like James Lindsay and Lira are carefully dancing around it, but they know.
God if only.
Violent “chimps” should be shot.

Attached: BlackArson.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Attached: Blacks trashing white picking up.webm (480x854, 2.93M)

>nigger fatigue
wat do bros

wat do

Attached: 1657387654494.webm (1280x720, 1.4M)

I would unironically murder those stupid niggers right there in front of everyone

Florida Keys is the best. Absolutely no niggers.

America is infested with Monkey PoCs.

Jews count as niggers.

You're lucky. I love the ocean and all aspects of it. Besides black people living in every major port in the US. It's especially hellish cause these things can't even swim, it's like they're there SPECIFICALLY to prevent me from being there

>wat do
Looks like she has the right idea
I fucking hate seeing blacks around where I live. The men are shirtless and rail thin, the women are fat and smelly. I want them gone.

Looks fake

One thing is completely and utterly rejecting the idea that "racism" is even real or a thing. Know that it is not. Know that it's okay to not hang around them if you don't want to and not to bow down to them at all. Be nice to avoid conflict but don't let have their way over yours, ever.
Then support laws, policies and political and cultural movements that blatantly cut them out and cut them off. Do this without shame or remorse. Know they lied and gamed the system and every little whine of struggle on their end is a lie.

We have to let them destroy themselves. We just can't rush in to save them from themselves anymore. Let them wreck themselves into oblivion.

fuck niggers, and fuck the bacon

The keys absolutely have niggers. They're usually just more behaved because there aren't as many. But this really isn't saying much though because they'll still chimp out over petty bullshit.

This reminds me of a position I kind of hold, that being of a sort of "one nation two systems" deal, where blacks are all sent back to the deep south to live in an isolated society, while the rest of America continues on.
Unironically I believe a New Afrika would be a good idea and a worthy sacrifice of land. I just want them fucking gone