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Nobody is illegal, the number of sanctuary cities and states grows by the day.

Can we have a based queen?
Could we be so blessed?
In all honesty the fact she even says these things is a whitepill

You know I had that conversation with my wife and I could tell I was right because rather than refuting my point she got emotional.

Their existence itself is not illegal. However they have entered another nation illegally so they are in fact illegal aliens.

They are "illegal immigrants" because they immigrated illegally. as opposed to legal immigrants who immigrated legally. It's their immigration which is illegal

Wow i totally believe she'll do any of that like every politician on the campaign trail

give the illegals 2 weeks to quit their jobs and gather their shit and start walking back to wherever they came from. After that anyone in the country illegally, or in anyway, enabling any illegal will be tried as a terrorist and shot.

you are illegally stupid, a true monument to your edumacation.

Legal or illegal both are thirdies. White Europeans don't come to US.

why the fuck we would? Honestly, clean up your shit first.

Uh oh

>If i shoot someone I'm not a murderer
>if I rape someone I'm not a rapist
Yes, so does crime, poverty and a general decrease in social cohesion. But you knew that already rabbi.

Cities that harbor enemies of the state will be taken control of by the national guard, politicians and those responsible will be tried and hanged for treason by aiding and abetting the enemy.

I've had it with these coffee colored conservasharts ruining this country!

so based
kill yourself

>number of sanctuary cities and states grows by the day
DC and New York are both sanctuary cities; they told them to go home. One asked the military to intervene.

Isn’t she illegal

Brb gonna ask my buddy Pedro to clean up.

That's pretty based.

women are blinded by hopeless altruism and emotion. Oddly enough actually mentioned this lady's tweet to the wife earlier this morning

>Me: can i go to AZ and vote for her?
>Wife: You are so racist against mexicans, you have no empathy, you don't know their story.
>Me: give it 10 years and you'll see i'm right

no god dammit woman, i don't know their story, nor do i care.

It's funny, my wife has this story about an apartment complex she lived in back in college; it was mostly hispanic (corvallis OR), and just how awful it was. noisy kids, noisy adults. trash everywhere
Yet when it comes to letting the indio garbage swarm into the US it's all about "they just want a better life".

Giving women the right to vote was a fatal blunder.

Indeed they are illegal. I know national sovereignty is a hard concept for you schitzos to understand since your minds exist purely in the abstract.

In the plant and animal kingdom you die when you go into the wrong territory.

Hi Ethan

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i hate the word illegal though; because that implies with a stroke of a pen some middling gov't employee can make them 'legal' and then all opposition to their presence would be outmoded.
invasive, pernicious pest who should not be allowed in under any circumstances is more apt.

>eels and pirahnas in the rio grande
>train our mil pilots for bombing runs along the border
>rediscover the joys of landmines, scavenger hunts are an explosively good time.