The USA has had 267 earthquakes today, and counting

Most are coming from California, near the fault line. Any Geotards here wanna explain what's going on? Seattle has had some recent bigger quakes too. The average in California is 10-15 quakes a day. In the past 7 days California has had 395 earthquakes.

That's an increase of around 300% from normal for the week. 500% for today. The USAF was flying routes around Mount St. Helens yesterday too. Any Californiatards feel the earth rumbling today?

Attached: LibtardApocalypse.jpg (1280x720, 182.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Earthquakes_USA_8-5.png (1359x881, 175.35K)

lets fucking goooooooooooooo

Attached: asgfad.png (1024x646, 779.94K)

Prelude to this:

You think China is doing this? No way

La Palma bros let's gooo


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The earf is going to make a sharting. Now, seriously, because of grand solar minimum -> more cosmic rays -> more cosmic ray byproducts (muons n sheeit) reach the earth and penetrates into the ground, where they act as a kind of lubricant, presumeably by breaking electron bonds. The result is more quakes. This is not necessarily bad, since quakes release stored energy, and many small quakes are much better than one big fat one.


> some days have more natural occurences than others
HOLY FUCK. are you a scientist? i think youre onto something

where i live its been really hot and dry for like two weeks, then it rained all day yesterday. thats an INFINITE increase over the two week average. something is clearly up

Fucking hope san andreas fault and cascadia go off soon and wipe out the west coast

Where were you during the Great 2022 Earthquake of Los Angeles?

Perhaps that big one will happen and whole California is soon big island on your west coast.

Cloud seeding. They're doing it in Colorado too.

No. California can't produce larger than 8.2 but Seattle could have a full slide rupture creating a shallow 9+ which would devastated or possibly collapse the entire city and drop it a 100 feet or more toppling just about every structure including the highrise buildings and causing building collapse as far away as Portland Oregon up to BC, Victorian Island and maybe felt in Juno as well as San Francisco.

not my problem

stop, I can only get so hard.

Death to kikes

Anacortes here, we're going to make it your problem you schitzel eating bitch.

You're a fucking retard. They're not apart of the same fault and would never trigger each other, nigger trash

Where would a safe place to live be if a big happening actually went down? Between weird stuff like this and current political events, I think of this:

The Culebra event is progressing as far as known.
One of the strategies and goals for mass population destruction from this event is to get as many people as possible to live in the populated cities as possible. This way there is maximum impact worldwide for population death and collapse.

Buckle up.

>fault lines have earthquakes, sometimes lots of tiny ones that are barely noticeable
Thank you 6th grade science class

Found one. Looks like a pattern right above where the biggest quakes were today.

Royal Air Force tho? hmmm

Attached: Royalairforce.png (1017x841, 686.53K)

Our fault lines is 12 miles long. To big for a seismic tear. However the cascades is 450 miles long and has the potential of doing so.