TDS927: The 95 Feces

Discuss episode 927 of the daily Shoah: The 95 Feces
Please post link paychads. Don’t fuck us like yesterday

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is it about san fran sicko calipornia

Post mike&Warren paykings

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Is Icebro still helping us freefags or did he disappear like Tifachad?


Thread theme song (me included)

Icebro is still with us.
Somebody has to keep Sven's greedy ass in check.

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2 paywall shows in 1 week is a little ridiculous.

Looking for Strike and Mike 149 please

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There's a reason why he didn't post

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Post Just Jesse 150,151,152 and Warren Report please

why bother?

Yes plz

TDS should talk about vtubers.
There are thousands of young white nationalist guys donating massive piles of bitcoin money to vtubers right now. They are basically just e-girls with an anime avatar.

All of them have boyfriends and husbands behind the scenes, in fact numerous websites such as Iketog and Kiwifarms document this fact. These guys are getting fleeced by e-girls. And this trend is being protected because it's serving as deradicalization for right wing males who are into anime. Many of these e-girls are far leftist, but pretend to be somewhat right wing to milk donations out of Any Forumstards.

Pic related. Her fans call her the new Austrian Hitler who wants to gas the jews. Meanwhile she's tweeting shit like this

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You took the Jab right, goy? Good, now lets talk about how Christians are cringe and why you should subscribe to the fedwall

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>Just Jesse
why, so you can listen to aging garage band man talk about his interracial piss fetish for another hour?

leave Sven alone, he needs to pay for Prep for his gay son. Go sub, asshole

I want to hear about frankfurt school from their perspective, youtube vids on the subject are complete sugarcoated garbage.

People are threatened by unemployment over the vax? Nah we don't want to talk about that. We need to dunk on christians for 200 episodes
People give money to listen to a fat, unmarried, childless fedora-tipper talk about Star Trek and call that a political movement

It's a bunch of jews doing jew studies
There. I saved you 4 hours and $120

here you go, senpai

Repeat after me:

I am not smarter than Mike
I am not smarter than Striker
I am not smarter than Jazzhands
I am not smarter than Alex McNabb

But if I stop and listen and learn, I will be smarter than I am.

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>Still no Mike and Warren link
TRS is dead

I need money to live in my gated community and my sons Bart mitz vahhhhh stop picking on me and Mike. There is nothing wrong being a WN and wearing little hats and

There's your first mistake.
Branching out was Japan's biggest mistake.
Give it time. One of the En idols will do something political and horrifically stupid, and make people leave. Jews and women ruin everything, so just drop pills where you can while its early and when the glamour is gone people will roll in.

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mike so smart he outwits every journo and even the cville trial. we have no way to prove that, but based on the debates he lost against Destiny and Sargon, we know he's good at thinking on his feet

with his feet

LAMO Johnny Monoxide is doing a stream with Brandon Martinez now!?!?!

I am not greedier than Sven.
Hey it works!
The information on tds has been more than helpful in my life but jesse needs to figure his shit out before asking more money of people

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Let's talk about gas.
There are 2 primary types of gas supposedly used to kill the jews.

1) Cyanide gas, at Auschwitz
This chemical bonds to the ATP production sits in your cell. Without access to these sites, the cell cannot produce energy, and therefore it dies. Any cell infected with cyanide is dead. It The other cells must divide and replace the dead cell. If the cell is more permanent, such as the cells in your nervous system and brain, it means that cyanide can do permanent damage to your body. It's critical to note that death from cyanide is based on the sum-total that you have been exposed to. In other words, being exposed to half as much, for twice as long, is just as deadly.

2) Carbon Monoxide gas, used at Treblinka and other camps
This is a deadly gas that works by bonding to your red blood cells in place of Oxygen. Thus it essentially takes some of your red blood cells "offline" for the purposes of carrying oxygen, and you will start to suffocate. The Carbon Monoxide DOES slowly disassociate from your red blood cells over time, but this takes about 5 hours or so, simply because it bonds so tightly. By making someone breathe pure-oxygen, you can have a forcing-effect on the Carbon Monoxide and force it to disassociate from the red blood cells, and thus achieve a half-life of only 90 minutes instead of 5 hours. It's important to note that Carbon Monoxide's deadliness is highly dependent on concentration.

However, in the holocaust story, these two effects seem to be reversed.
It's said that workers could enter a low-saturated room filled with Cyanide gas, and survive. In reality cyanide poisoning is accumulative, limited by the rate of reproduction of your cells to replace the dead ones (about 2 weeks time lapse). Thus the accumlated damage of entering a cyanide-infested room, even under low concentrations, would be extremely deadly for the workers.

And in the Treblinka gas chambers, they used a diesel engine, which has a very low concentration of CO

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