What kind of information can you extrapolate from this graph?

what kind of information can you extrapolate from this graph?

Attached: kujyhtgrf.jfif.jpg (1977x2048, 190.48K)

Republican media is full of liars and fake news unlike trusted cnn and msnbc…

>trump derangement syndrome somehow made democrats increase their trust in the media by 20%
What the fuck is wrong with these people

Fearmongering and pandering.
Fun thing; Legacy Media outlets are now bleeding money because a sizable segment of the population is not watching the news anymore.

>Modern Democrats love the establishment corporate media

Attached: Left.jpg (750x701, 124.91K)

Divide and conquer. If you made the same survey in Bush years it would be vice versa.

And in 20-30years it will turn again. Just because the narrative, the scapegoats will change.
Bush(MSM): Muh Leftists, Communists
Obama,Biden (MSM): Muh far Right, Convervatives

And many on Any Forums are just so dump and think just the opposite every time. But they are also mind slaves. Just with a different color.

We get played all the time.

The Jews

bush was elected in 01 and this chart begins in 00 so all you have to do is move your eyes to the left for this to BE the survey you claim would be inverse

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they basically stole the presidential election in 2020 and the massmedia was in on it by railroading everyone that could've prevented it into submission

Bush's republicans and Biden's democrats are the same people.

My mom is retired. She has a pension, a sizable pension. She is one of the rare actual Biden voters. She used to only listen to the religious stations on the radio, now she just listens to NPR. Something she claims is not state ran propaganda. I wonder if NPR has let her in on the quaint little fact of her pension being worth half of what it was just a few years ago. I wonder if she'll make it.
To be clear, my mom is very selfish, and has never helped me, even though she's always made a lot of money, she would rather buy knick knacks.
One time I was trying to talk to her about her finances, and she acted like I was trying to involve myself in her money. All I was trying to do was help her protect what she's worked so hard for, and now it's cut in half, and she hasn't even realized it.

Sometimes, family ties are overrated.

Sunken Cost is one of the most self-destructive psychological mechanisms. Once people have caused a certain point, there is no way to ever pull them back from it. They WILL double down again and again, no matter how much it destroys them, because the alternative would be to admit that they were wrong and that is unthinkable to most of them.

Apparently like children, they will go against your advice just to spite you, regardless of how it will affect them.

Media say I'M not the problem, YOU are (in "LITERALLY" every "faucet"), so media must be right!

Republicans are easily manipulated sheep

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hahahah Republicans are sheep

Republicans have no principles and believe whatever is convenient for their side

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the media started openly shilling for the DNC during Obama's admin. they used to try to hide it but somewhere around 2010 or so they gave up the act altogether.

Democrat voters interface with the real world is much smaller then independants and Republicans are.

they have dark money funding from darpa slush funds

Well that's money well wasted.