Why are NPCs so against Christianity?

What are the political implications on the fact that NPCs seem to hate christianity?

Everytime I see someone hating on Christianity they always say the same stupid stuff



Anyone with half a brain could easily see how mentally disabled these arguments are yet they're so widespread.

It's literally like an actual NPC that's been programmed to say that.

and what's up with all these faggots trying to say Christianity isn't against LGBT?


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For me, it's mostly about Pascal's Wager. I'd rather go to church every Sunday and pray every night and be wrong, than not doing any of that and being right

Because even an NPC is no longer simple enough to believe in tall Jewish tales, like talking snakes and underwater whale rides.

an NPC follows what the programming tells them
and when an NPC is programmed by a disgusting christ-killer foreskin-eating kike, the NPC will hate christianity. if thats not a satisfying answer, and you wanted to know what the NPCs would say if you asked them,
>i dont hate christianity, i just dont think it should be pushed onto people!
>christianity is bad because it makes people have a primitive mindset, instead of being focused on "progress"(and you know what they mean by progress.)
>christianity is sexist racist homophobic antisemetic trannyphobic islamiphobic
also, the fags that claim christianity isnt against fags are basing it off of the idea that you are supposed to love and respect everyone. ofcourse, the conclusion that this means being a fag is ok is so absurd that you wouldn't ever guess that the idea of loving and respecting people is correllated with it, but thats just how the fag's minds work

Well people start to think is there even a god when a flood destroyed the church instead of a whore house like that seem off why would him destroy a church instead of a whore house

please learn to use commas

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Did he die?


you assume that particular church was more moral than a whore house just because a kike labeled it a church?

yes, the blood exploded out like that because he cut a tendon. he is definitely dead

Attached: 1657404782420.webm (640x800, 557.02K)

I mean it is church

So fragile. Merely a scratch can kill us.

You mean an artery, I guess he could have made it if someone put a tourniquet on him quick but seeing as he was spazzing out at his potential saviors I doubt they did..

bad things will happen to good things/good people. thats just how it is. there doesnt need to be a reason for it.
>if god real why bad thing happen?

>the window breaks as it cuts you

Because I'm not autistic and I don't believe in magic, nobody should.

Hurrrrr durrr muh Noah's Ark, immaculate conception herp a do dah

it looks like he planted his brachial artery into a shard at the end of his swing (squirrrrt)

The Sun exists. The Earth exists. No point in blaming any of it. Without It. You WILL die.

>Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.

Guess what happens when you like dick in your asshole and you find out it's a sin. You either repent or you seethe and double down.

I can't fucking do anything if your god is evil and tortures people for eternity just because we didn't believe a fucking story, a story that has no evidence.

I'll know i'm morally superior to the thug who sent me there. and you're evil for advocating for him and his evil, like he ahs a right to be evil. fuck you, shill.

Faith is weaponized because it’s based more on superstition than logic.

You can’t take the Bible literally and use it in a logical argument, and NPCs know this. For example, YOUR religious belief should not infringe on others’ right to abortion, so it’s not a valid argument; but your assertion that abortion is murder of a baby is harder to argue against, so they disregard it and blame your assumed religion for your perspective - and they are right to some extent, they’re right because you base the idea that murdering a fetus is bad on YOUR morals, not theirs.

This image hints that you're a Christian because of a fear campaign. Pretty cringe bro.
>nooo not the eternal pain and fire that nobody has ever seen before!
>oh yes mister jew I will do whatever you say to avoid it!

its always the lowest type of person that i see being against Christianity
always the type that spam emojis and use instagram

watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die. it's very easy to be saved from hellfire and the gospel gives you full assurance of your salvation if you believe it.
the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ:

documentary explaining why Christ rejecters that say they're Jews are not God's chosen people. talmudic judaism is depraved, evil, and satanic. And it has nothing to do with Christianity no matter what the satanic shills on Any Forums would say.

'Once Saved Always Saved' - a MUST WATCH sermon for people doubting their salvation

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Talking down to NPC prove nothing. None of you can prove to be a main character. Now. Ain't that make you an Npc?

That's some of the cheesiest blood FX's I've ever seen. Looks like some cheap dollar store fair blood.

Its not just Christianity. Anything that threatens their indulgence in vices and consumption is heresy. Abstaining from indulgence is cruelty in their eyes and a great injustice.