When did y'all realize that Antifa are actually the good guys?

When did y'all realize that Antifa are actually the good guys?

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80% of those antifa would've voted for trump, and did vote for Reagan

My grandfather killed communists in Korea

>implying WW2 vets don't hate antifas guts for supporting communism
Go back there and stay there were you belong.

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Need more copium for that, Chuds? Your gramps would have spanked your incel ass if he ever saw you sieg heiling

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Shit bot.
Fag thread.

>N-Noooooooooo but muh based grandp-ACK

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>Antifa are actually the good guys?
>the good guys?

Fake and gay. Even if true not even journalists back then would acknowledge him as “she”

Cope seethe and dilate

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>Antifa defeated the Confederate States in 1865
>Antifa defeated the Russian Empire in 1917
>Antifa defeated Fascist Italy in 1943
>Antifa defeated Nazi Germany in 1945
>Antifa defeated Fascist Japan in 1945
>Antifa defeated white supremacist Rhodesia in 1979
>Antifa defeated MAGA in 2020
Do I need to go on, Chud? The right can't fight

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When they all committed mass suicide for the good of the environment.

Attached: when was antifa anything else.jpg (1024x572, 73.62K)

Attached: AntifaMugshots.jpg (1200x3500, 1.54M)

Pedophobia will be defeated as well. It's only a matter of time.

Soldiers returning from fighting Socialists
>they are not socialist!!!!!!they ironically used the name
Oh, like antifacist?

Che and Castro were pro racism tho

These fuckers nuked 2 cities of non combatants. People who were farmers, likely many were against the war effort. Somehow celebrated as the goodguys despite mindless mass killing. At least hitler had a set of requirements for killing civilians.

antifa didnt do none of that shit faggot and you know it. c'mere bitch i'll fuckin rape you right now.

Yeah the antifas that hate modern USA


kill yourself

The only thing I agree with them on is how shitty the police are. Everything else is just virtue-signalling, LARP, and crust punks paid buck and a bump to act militant. Everything on TV involving Antifa was just an act and political stunt. Couldn't give two shits about the Trump supporters they bothered. What really bothers me about Antifa is how they groom and sell drugs to underage girls at punk shows and EDM shows in the sleaziest of ways.

t. used to party in Oakland.

What's up with all these shitty bait threads? Can we start tracking down and killing these retards?

I'll be convinced when they recreate that scene with all modern members, including all the people who fund them and support them. Oh, and if they're simultaneously used as target practice for Anti-Ship Missiles from every country on the planet.
Yeah, that will convince me.

The irony of that undereducted Reddit user not realizing that antifaschiste aktion is what drove Germans into the arms of fascists. The aforementioned group engaged in communist "direct action" and terrorized the German people with their constant attempts to overthrow the government and install communism, leading them to democratically elect Hitler.


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Antifa is the Globohomo-Socialist-Democrat street punk wing. Eat a turd.

You'll be spending a lot of time in israel and other types of warrens to get them all.

They aren't and never were.

>What is Jewish

Error no you are aware antifia are the reason hilter existed yea? Leftists are dumb and need to read books.

>leading them to democratically elect Hitler.
That wasn't REAL democracy!

What the fuck do I care what my Zog-cucked Jew slave grandpa thought? Hes literally the generation to blame for our becoming debt slaves to the empire.

They literally do not know that. The communist education system in the US doesn't teach anything about it, and they think Nazis rose to power because le ebil republicans just felt particularly evil that morning

Woah, why did antifa do this?

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