Is vitamin d metaphysically anti-semitic?

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What is the article about?

Cut this out it's really shizzo

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My doctor told me to take it because it is an anti inflammatory that mitigates family risk of cancer and heart disease. The shill who wrote this points to two recent studies that show vitamin D dont work for a lot of things that I have never heard a doctor mention its good for.

He mentions other vitamins that I agree are not very useful, but D3 is not one of them. Anons should take a daily supplement, nothing too enormous, just 1000 - 2000 international units.

Shill also ends his article by telling everyone to consult with their doctors about whether they should take supplements. Any user over age 30 that asks a doctor will he told they should take one (unless you are in really good shape and have NO family history of cancer or heart disease).

i remember when i used to laugh at granola hippies that railed about natural medicine being suppressed by big pharma

Kikes want us to believe our bodies do not need vitamins but absolutely do need experimental gene modification therapy.
One third and final round to finish what the great Hadrian and Hitler could not, is all I ask.

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if mr (((salzberg))) kvetches about vitamin d, it means that it's probably good for you (assuming this is not some reverse-jewing)

I prefer vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin BBC

Sure, why not. It's not like anyone here has a soul or thoughts of their own.

Always remember if (((they))) manage to take away vitamin D supplements. You can always get a rich source of vitamin D by eating liver and other organ meats. Probably gonna have to hunt or know a cattle farmer.

How many times will you spam this same thread?

can’t we just go outdoors for that shit? gimmie a qrd on the vitamin d and how the jq is trying to subvert the goyim please

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or be white and be in sunlight for anymore than 10min a day

Fucking backwards isn't it?
Now they are Pfizer's biggest Pfans.
It was all about liberty & free love in the 60's & 70's, now they're literally the fucking fascists supporting forced medical tyranny.

Wait, why would this jew want to keep me from Vitamin D?
>looks up symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency
Fatigue, back pain, muscle weakness/aches, bone discomfort, sleep problems, hair loss, eczema, slower wound healing, getting sick regularly, dizziness, erectile dysfunction, frequent urinary tract infections, severe PMS symptoms, digestive problems, weight gain, depression, joint pain and inflammation, pneumonia

Psh.... nothing that the pharmaceutical industry can't take care of.

Salzberg... the name sounds somehow familiar. Was it somebody famous during WW2 or something?

Low vit D makes for small bone having, sickly slaves. They've scared the cattle away from getting sunlight, so now they want to take away the supplements. The only other source is fish and that's almost gone too.

Oh I forgot there is another option: lots of eggs and organs. In fact eggs are almost the perfect replacement.

Fuck niggers and kikes.

Vitamin D reduces inflammation from infections, but boosts antibody levels after infection. What you want with COVID.

Not sure what you're talking about, the natural medicine hippies have been freaking out and against COVID vaccines since the beginning. Most of the old hippies who were talking about peace and love in the 60s and 70s aren't real hippies, they were just doing what was trendy at the time.

yeah, it's a bizarre turn. the thing i remember most when i was a kid was that the hippies and the hardcore fundamentalist christians always shopped at the same health food stores. i think it can be that way again though

Picrel from article is just insane. They're essential nutrients, and there's little in our food. In modern times, you must supplement to get all 90 essential nutrients.

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Get vitamin D from europe, american vitamins are 30% fakes

Regenerative agriculture, using cow poop, could easily replenish the soil. A good chunk of grain fields should be converted over to livestock pasture.

posting this for the lads again

Multivitamin of your choice, but it must have zinc (bis-)glycinate(prefered)/picolinate as the form of zinc, else it is highly likely it's a trash formulation. Zinc oxide is worthless.
Vitamin D3, 10000iu/d.
Vitamin K2 MK-7, 100mcg/d. It MUST be MK-7 form, everything else is trash (it's basically only in natto, do you eat natto? didn't think so).
Magnesium optional, prefer non-oxide forms but it's a lot of pills and cost.

Those are the core daily supplements you should be getting. No, it isn't too much Vit D. No, K2 MK-7 is not harmful, it works synergistically with Vit D for bone, heart and immune health. You shouldn't need any more calcium than what your normal diet provides.

Optionals: NAC, extra zinc glycinate/picolinate (