Monkeypox being blamed on gays is a psyop

yes, gays are more or less the sole spreader of monkeypox I know chud relax
(((they))) WANT you to use these lazy arguments like “well maybe gays should stop partying and isolate themselves, maybe the gays should take responsibility and stop spreading this disease”

Do you see what they’re doing though? Don’t be stupid.
They’ve flipped the switch on low IQ conservatives who don’t realize they’re echoing the exact same bullshit that liberals were screaming during covid, they are defining an Overton Window of public reaction to diseases


read this article from Vox (the most obvious of all the CIA media fronts) both because it is hilariously stupid and gay but it also displays the psyop in a very raw format, gays are stupid so the propaganda that is fed to them is usually very simple
the goal of this article is very clear, to aggravate gays into thinking the government response to diseases needs to be MUCH stronger, meanwhile the general consensus on the right is that “monkeypox is cuz the gays can’t stop bein gay heheh”
you will start to see this argument everywhere, it is LAZY and is playing on the emotions of a gaslit population who just went through vaccine psyops
do not fall for it, anytime a conservative says “this is because gays won’t stop having sex, they should have listened to guidelines” YOUR ONLY REPLY SHOULD BE “no this is because of federal agents releasing a bioweapon to further a biomedical surveillance agenda and we should kill glowies”

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Other urls found in this thread:
Forgot link to article

Monkeypox is a hoax. Screencap this.

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I say again, anytime you see somebody make a lazy “haha gays spread monkeypox” YOUR ONLY REPLY SHOULD BE
“This is a bioweapon and is a psyop, you are stupid and falling for it”

it probably isn’t even real I agree, is probably late side effects of spread of herpes + vaccine fucking up immune system
I’m just noticing lots of low IQ pundits on the right start to make this a gay thing when it is very obviously a glowie thing


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Alt right cucks: monkeypox is gay std
Establishment: monkeypox is gay std

I thought cuckservatives are supposed to be against establishment?

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exactly, it’s very convenient

big tech banned some guy who said he got it by touching surfaces (rented a scooter). Yeah, this is the real bioweapon.

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every screencap i've seen so far looks more like herpes or a plain acne outbreak. I also don't believe it's real.

I mean we were being told that the very breath coming out of a fellow human was poisoning the air around us if we went outside. Fags literally just have to stop fucking butts and peeing on each other. Going outside is NOT a health risk. Being a fag always has. Nice strawman OP.

I wonder when will they do the big gender reveal - "It's not a fag disease anymore"? When will real death rates show up, not the bogus 0.00001%

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that’s not the point, it takes media and mass emotional attention away from the fact that this is a psyop
saying “yeah this is gays just doin gay stuff” is like saying that covid was real, you are complicit in the psyop if you play along with it

Travels a thousand miles just to give you the POXX.

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It's to cover for the fucked immune systems of the vaxxed. It shows up in gays first because of the toxins already present in their bodies.

This is the fags reward for being loyal to the democrats. The democrats gave them aids in then80s and now mknkey pox 40 years later. They will still shill for democrats hoping they get to fuck some kids before their viral load kills them.

the left: we need mandatory vaccinations for gays
the right: heheh stupid gays getting what they asked for

Pfizer: nice

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lol see
stop falling for this stupid shit

Oh well what do you want me to do? Feel sorry for them? Warn them? Tell them something they will ignore anyway?

be prepared to give up your qualms with gay people to defend their right to deny a vaccination
it may come to this

the anglo jewish alliance have always used bioweapons to conquer and maintain control of populations all the way back to native americans with smallpox and even the black death.

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It probably targets glands, not good

it's a bioweapon where gays are the vector like aids

>guy doesn't want to admit he takes it up the ass so invents a wild story about catching it from a schooter

Dont be gay

maybe they could just stop fucking each other in the ass like a bunch of filthy degenerates for awhile

>Bioweapon that target homos
WTF I love Bill Gates now?!

kek holy shit another user actually knows
the psyop is gays are a vector so people are confused why their kids are dying of orthopox
did dad fuck steve and or diddle the kids?
the becky have an affair with some fag?
i cant wait
you're all doomed especially if you have kids

>direct linking vox

Get killed

Maybe, but it's the fact that he got banned from twitter for saying he got monkeypox from touching surfaces. He might as well be a bot, who cares.

It's the end times.

Attached: Repent at once.jpg (720x881, 256.14K)

Looks like weed, opiates, and pink eye from touching your dick, balls, and ass, then your eyes

>Take care of their own healthcare
>Anally ingest gallons of random spunk
There's something off about these gays I think

you will see that I am correct as this psyop continues to evolve

I got suspended from twitter for saying it primarily infects gays and other people don't have to worry about it. They said it promoted hate against a specific group of people or something like that.

It was real in Africa for the last few years, why would it not be real outside of Africa

Vox is the best example of a direct source of state department propaganda, I would bet my life it is run by CIA

it's essentially corona 2 with lesions
you touch the rona, you touch your ear, eye, mouth, you get the rona in your ear eye mouth
same incubation time with slow fatality to ensure mass, but slow spread
if you kill the host too fast, it cannot spread
they still havent said if it is airborne or not
Good luck!

If it breaks out into the wider population, fags will be to blame for concentrating it.

But the media will tell us that's not true.

>The elites are using fags as a trojan horse for maximum spread.
>They signal this with extreme prejudice against gays contrary to what they normally do in a 180 hipocritical way
>People will lower their guard, cause "only fags get it m'right?" only to realize they have become infected in day to day interactions like handshakes, hugging someone, sharing objects at workplace or household.
>The elite achieve to fuck as many normies as possible with monkeypox
>Desperate for a cure the normies submite to every whim the elite wish to enact upon them
>Plummeting workforce numbers due to infection puts more stress on production
>Economic Collapse
>Great Reset
>You will own nothing and you will be happy