How do we retake Any Forums?

From the coomers, Feds, niggers and trannies?

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Just let it go, move to a better place.

Kill yourself, nigger faggot

It's simple. We kill the jannies.

I can’t, I’ve fallen into a habit of just giving up on social interaction even though I crave it

we can start by banning all canadians

We have the memes of production


1 post


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Nigger, where'd you learn to count?

we must gentrify Any Forums

Attached: FireShot Capture 1217 - Why Do Rich People Love Quiet_ - The Atlantic - (1028x1116, 509.85K)

Migrate to stormfront. Pol is a Hindu board. OM

his second post sucked

They want you to leave before the 2024 elections so that you quit interfering with their advertisements. They did the same thing with Any Forums harbor + 8 chins in 2015.

There is a spinoff site up, and seems to be shill free.

nah I need to get out more. Also half the reason I come here is to lust for Khazar Milkers instead of asking a pair out myself
>inb4 tmi
don’t give a shit

>user doesn't know about v& days
>doesn't know how this site's servers are absolutely accessible to ABC agency niggers
you stupid fucking newfag bitch

Attached: fat albert finna cap a nigga.jpg (962x913, 325.79K)

nigger why are you in here then

I am not a real human, I am dead and my soul got sucked into the internet ether. My energy is being used by demons to power electronic devices -- for electricity is literally souls.

Now that's kind of based. Tell us more about the demons. They are at least more interesting than the never-ending clown show.