Holy shit

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Buck status: BROKEN.


Get rekt you ugly dyke druggy

lesson: dont fuck around in russia
nobody cares about your entitled ass

is it a male only penal colony?



Hopefully. I bet she goes by he/zir pronouns anyway.

Wait did the deal to trade that Russian arms dealer imprisoned by the states fall through?
Or did they realize a man like that isn't worth getting a nigger back?


Heh penile colony

>Penal colony
Enjoy your time in Siberia bitch! At least you won't hear the American national anthem.

They should leave Britney alone.
Shey make great songs

Flatchested dyke basketball player who smuggled pot into Russia.

At least she is vaccinated and boosted with AMERICAN science!
Also, BLM, and she won't have to worry about standing for the flag anymore!

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Not penile

Enjoy prison boy.

She's probably the manliest looking prisoner there anyway

Digits checked. Toppest pf keks. Sides rekt.

>death by 200 Sputnik injections

>Raised in the American Cult of the Sacred Negro
>Leave America
>Find out the hard way some countries do not worship the sacred negro


Fpbp, checked and kekked.

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I hope that thing gets raped by badgers every day.

I didn't know they still have penal colonies. She gets to hack down trees with an axe and load up trucks with the timber?


Putin said keep him

he's probably gonna get some female prisoners pregnant

She is literally built like man. Having seen backed pics of her she has pecks not boobs

I hope the nigger gets “ill” and dies due to “stress” in the penal colony. Russia is doing us a favor.

Let me see if I understand this:

Irritating Black American activist sportswoman despises White America and protests the National Anthem, demanding it no longer be played because of "racist" elements. Clearly despises American ideology. Uses media regularly to broadcast here ideal lesbian lifestyle and hatred for Da White Man and the Bigotry of the USA.

Same woman declares her gay love for another woman and marries said lesbian.

Same person then travels to Russia, where being gay is illegal. Takes dope-infused Vaping capsules with her... which is also illegal in Russia. Gets arrested for importing drugs.

Begs America to help her avoid incarceration. Asks America to swap her out for another prisoner as an exchange.

Woman: "Please don't make me a political pawn".

Russia: "Go to Gulag!".

Sentenced to 8 Years in Rura Penthe Gulag.

So... who exactly was in the wrong here?

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Burger tr00n,
Some Anons there are supposing they will exchange xim for Victor But, legendary weapons dealer



He said that since the beginning. I'm unsure why US kept pushing that prisoner. I bet he would have accepted for the banks to temporarily unfreeze russian bank accountz though.

that is a fucking absurd sentencing and peak political clown world, Any Forums only cheering it to be super edgyXD

>Trading literal who nigress for a guy nicknamed "Merchant of Death"
Yeah that's not happening

>They should leave Britney alone.
>Shey make great songs
underrated comment right here

Shut the fuck up, square.

2pbp. Dangerously based russia

>is man
>cuts off dick to become woman
>still sent to penal colony

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Basically right, yes. Negress got what she fucking deserved. She consistently advocated that America was evil, so America just let her suffer the consequences of her philosophy.

I'd put a bullet between your subhuman animal eyes in a nanosecond. The world is better off without your kind.

Now we have to trade real people for her sorry ass. I hope she does at least 2 years in a Russian gulag.
SHe's still protected by her gay/female/black privilege, I want to see that stripped for her a couple of years.

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When you only live in the US you think the world has the same rights as US citizens. They do not. Kiss the ground the Bill of Rights was written on if you ever get back to US soil. It's easy to be petulant when you literally have it made. People risk life and limb to come here from every corner of the globe and it's only because freedom really does ring here. Uphold that freedom at any cost and hold accountable any politicians who think they give these freedoms because they absolutely do not. Young people should vote. It's truly a gift.

Trump would have unironically gotten him out.

bros i hate to tell you but...

Anti whites want us all dead or in prison for merely talking negatively about the thing they have been talking about doing to us for over half a century. Why should we do anything but laugh if one of their golems ends up in a Russian gulag? You can bet she smirked as she read articles of 'white supremacists' being fucked over by ZOG.

lmao lol

I don’t actually think people should be in prison for vaping or whatever but holy fuck this is kek

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>Bring pot to Russia
>10 years in the GULAG


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>bros i hate to tell you but...

She's a lesbian, right? I'm not an American so I don't know... but I think she's married to another woman. Do you think being Gay did her any favors in Russia? Also, was she born a woman? (asking serious questions).

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