Russia is like the empire

Russia is like the empire
And Ukraine is like the rebels
From Disney's Star Wars

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image writing this

>Empire trying to unite & save the universe from an outside threat.

>Rebels lying, plan ruining turds that only want muh freedoms not thinking of anytging greater than their own selfish wants & needs.

Right user?

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You should be 18+ to use this website. I cannot imagine what kind of damage some of the theories posted here can cause to a child. Seems you are a prime example of such a case.

This analogy works I guess since both Russia and the the Empire fucking loved niggers. Both sides are always controlled by the same nigger loving group.

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Noo Putler is Voldemort from Harry Potter!

I bet money this is written some where on reddit.


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Real life is like TV.

You kids are idiots.

He is closer to Siron from Lord of the rings

no kidding, the bad guys are more likable in both

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Why do people like star bores so much? I've seen the original three and they're average 70s/80s sci-fi fare at best.

I never understood why they tied Luke so heavily to Anakin's lightsaber rather than the one that Luke literally made himself. Must have focus grouped it and found that people marginally recognized Anakin's more than Luke's actual lightsaber.

The original trilogy is certainly way above average, not the best but way above your average sci-fi flick of that era.
It's a classic monomyth so people like it. By the third movie it becomes extremely silly with the little furry fuckers (obviously a ploy to sell toys) that according to Spielberg are supposed to be the Vietcong.

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May force with you Ukrainees.....yankees weapons coming later....much later

you need to be 18 to post here.

I agree those teddy bear things were stupid.

I've watched the original three several times over in an attempt to 'get it' but I find the whole series very lacklustre with numerous plotholes. Harrison Ford doesn't help either. Can't bear him.

yeah but since then Star Wars grow into a proper fantasy but so much potential the average Star Wars fan doesn't know shit about lore they made it purely consumer oriented for plebs like the prequels was so good imo 2000's was the peak of Star Wars franchise with cool video games extending the lore until George Lucas sold it

>Disney's Star Wars
Yup. All faggotery.

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That's old canon, user.

Eh I don't know what to tell you, I first saw them when they were remastered in the 90s and re-released in cinemas, I've always enjoyed the original trilogy.
I gave up on Star Wars when the prequels came out and I've not seen a single Disney made Star Wars film, nor will I ever watch them.

I used to like Harrison Ford, but now I just see a kike and I can't get that thought out of my head.

It's a kid's show. I was into them when I was a child. Now I can't even sit through them. But a lot of these people simply never grow up.


ukraine is the hunger games girl and russia is the bigger, stronger kids. nato is the niggas dropping weapon crates.

>And Ukraine is like the rebels
The Rebels were led by a Jedi
When you Latinise Yeheshua you get Jesus
When you Latinise Yehudi (Jews) you get Jedi
Ukraine is led by a Jew
Checks out.