Essential to understand the future

Essential to understand the future.

>Muhh i hate globohomo and america
>Retvrn to tradition

It's over. If your life hasn't been good, this book will show you how depressing the future will be.

Zeihan breaks down every industry that keeps our overpopulated world running.

The final chapter, agriculture. It's over. Prepare to recieve millions of niggers and brownnies from everywhere

>Muuh multipolar world
It's over. There is no "chyna supelpower". It will be epic if russia keeps being a superpower.

The rightwing will take over many countries and colonial expansion (or similar) will follow. By necessitiy.

Meanwhile. Prepare to reduce your meat, electricity and in some areas, your water consumption.

Zeihan does not take into account sex ratios (well he only mentions it with china) and racial tensions

So yeah it's over. We'll live in a cyberpunk dystopia without advanced technology. You will eat ze bugs out of necessity if you want some protein. You will live in cities polluted by carbon emissions because there won't be enough oil for civilian use in many EU countries.

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Nuclear war comes before all that bullshit

* there won't be enough oil and and we will return to coal,

Zeihan mostly got it right but he implies that we won't go to war and have a massive population reduction

He's also not woke on the IQ composition of future vibrant diverse demographics

why do eurofags love this doomer shit so much?

It depends on how desperate is China.
And, even if there is a pop reduction, a small nuclear war would be far worse.

Because euro already live in the pre conditions of ''you will own nothing'' zeitgeist

Owning nothing implies that you have close to no power over your direct environement, and not at all in the grand scheme of things.

The doomer attitute is one of someone who has no hope of ever acheiving something because he lasks the condition for self mastery. PRivate protperty is that condition.

There is a chapter dedicated to Brazil in his previous book: Disunited Nations.

russians don't die at 59.
they die at 73.
his whole argument is flawed.

his story is that americans have been patrolling the oceans out of the goodness of their hearts.
lol, lmao.

Does he factor in the vaccine die off or no? Pretty stupid to overlook that massive variable

he is a giga liberal

>Prepare to recieve millions of niggers and brownnies from everywhere
Guess you missed the part about the rise of populism and how countries can and are tightening immigration. Fuck, even Biden is finishing Trumps wall. Mass immigration will become politically radioactive.

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Problem is, its going to take a while to bleed off the inertia from liberal progressiveness that is not equipped for the world ahead. So many people have built their lives around these ideas.

Two more weeks

>his story is that americans have been patrolling the oceans out of the goodness of their hearts.
>lol, lmao.
Ge openly says that we bribed the rest of the world so they would fight soviet expansion instead of us. Nowhere does he say we did it for altruistic reasons. Fag.

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>we bribed the rest of the world
if I put a gun to your head does that mean that I'm bribing you, muttpoor?

>If i put a gun to your head does that mean that I'm bribing you, muttpoor?
Dude, you don't get it right?

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>Muh roman empire 5.0
You can tell what kind of retard the target audience is

not reading stratfor fag

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