Amnesty International: Hohols use civilians as meat shields
The narrative is changing, it's over hohol sisters. Taiwan is the new current thing now.

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If Russia is still bombing them, then they're at fault.

(((Amnesty International))): jewish (freemason) stalking doesn’t exist, take your meds, skitzo.

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Oh nonono jewblinki bros how do we profit from this

Obviously fake and gay. No Ukrainian civilians were put in harm's way. Those were all Russians.

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Amnesty is being antisemitic. Very dangerous for our democracy.

>Russia attacks residential areas
>You are supposed to just surrender them mate

>just sit out in an open field bro

Didn't Russia talk about this 6 months ago?

Didn't they arm all their civilians, doesn't that make them combatants?

Lol yes

Oh look it’s what we said day 1, really getting tired of being ahead of everyone else and being unable to do anything

Why is Ukraine getting dropped?

Well yeah, if a superior force can bomb the shit out of you but is reluctant to mass-slaughter civilians, then the safest place for you and your forces is mixed in amongst the civilian centers.
Yeah it's scummy, everybody does it.

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Debunked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muh Russia!

uh oh

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This change in feeling makes me think Taiwan might be the real shit. Perhaps TPTB reckon it's time to conserve supplies for something they value more than Ukraine. Zelensky might be getting pumped and dumped fellas.

Taiwan. Muttistans top kikes have realized that Russia and China are only benefiting over the conflict in Ukraine, the world is breaking on the western narrative with Africa, South America etc. becoming pro-Russian so they need to escape forward and accelerate. Their original plan was to flip Ukraine, flip Belarus, slip Kazakhstan flip Russia with Navalniy and then move on to China, but China is simply too strong now, they need to bait them into war NOW or any hope of fighting them is lost.

Isn't this basically saying modern wars conveniently never happen around actual citizens of the country at "war"

>Just maken mg nests in people's homes, which you forcibly robbed from them
Literatally ISIS tier.

remember when the west criticized the palestinians for doing this. and they didn't even have thousands of miles for fields and forests.

of fields and forests.

you are supposed to evacuate the civlians first
of course 'war crime' is not a real concept, ukraine is well within its rights to use its civilians as meat shields, as russia is well within its rights to carpet bomb them

The Twitter comments from neo-liberal technocrats are pretty funny, now Amnesty International is a Russian asset to them

*as international sympathy farming.

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