Well, well, well…

Well, well, well…

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The news thinking it can tell me what god is supposed to tell me, how Jewish

>Putler is humiliated and already defeated in Ukraine
>Zdolf Putler is going to lose the war in Ukraine in 2 more weeks
>Literally Satan Zdolf Putler Dronald Drompfs Puppeteer will face heavy losses in Ukraine
>Russia is cheating by doing war crimes in the war in Ukraine, no fair, let's have a re-do
>Putin may win in ukraine
you are here
>Putin's victory in Ukraine will be stalled indefinitely
>Only two weeks later and Putin has conquered all of Ukraine, but here's how Zelensky can still win
>The war in the former Ukraine is over, but the war in Taiwan has just started and Xi is humiliated and already defeated...

> P-putler is le defeated in Ukraine.

Shitposting mutt.

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American intel "predicted" fall of Kiev in three days. So much for western support of Ukraine and ability to predict.
Despite obvious betrayal, they still resisting. Have lots of sympathy for ukraine-bros, shame things are going like that

>Shitposting mu-ACK!

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>owns 20% of the country and ukies will never, ever take it back

gas might be in deficit in EU but copium reserves are endless

>Implies that taking some land is a victory
>Doesn't care about any actual objective
Overthrow the government: fail
Taking Donbass: currently fail
Connect to Transnistria: fail
Block access to the sea: fail
Stop Nato from expanding: fail
Stop russophobia: megafail
Denazification: your people say it's all fags, so fail, misjudged
Disarm Ukraine: megafail

I may have forgot something

You forgot your dilation schedule

>russia may win but they didnt win as much as a twitter user said they should

Nice cope
It depends on how you measure winning. If Biden, Obama or another american president had these results would you consider it winning?

delete this

Read again stupid

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I am wondering what they mean by real war? Will Russians finally shell cities in Western Ukraine and use agent Orange?

just slav things

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USA will nuke the world, war is already lost.

Political, financial and geo political war is over, and they know it. USA plans to strike first and win it all, relying on SDI defense, reason why it massively escalated now because hypersonic ICBMs are not yet deployed enmasse by Russia and China. Economy will become a disaster in the west, and from the turmoil east will consolidate the offensives and stoking up increasing amount of allies, on the west, it'll start losing it's "allies". It's over already. Stock the fuck up, move to mountains and survive. If it doesn't escalate into nuclear obliteration. Americans will rebel and push a patriot into forfront, but to me it's less likely because of the massive d&c propaganda and a fake democracy consisted of beggars who's representation will simply brush the will of the people off with every consecutive win. The actual and most important problem makers are the big financiers like black rock group or vanguard, who control all corporations via ESG score and socially engineering the degenerate and divided population farther. As their power concedes slowly from the control of the rest of the world. They'll try to consolidate their power in the west they already control. You'll end up living, that is if the world doesn't explode, in a complete and a totalitarian neo feudalism/fascism/pretend communism and other aspects of a totalitarian democracy - dictatorship via hegelian dialectic from the social chaos they've created. Remember every economic backtrack USA hegemony lives through, it'll be follow up with a consequent tyrannical legislation to control the people, and every chaos this environment creates, more control they'll assume with hegelian control. There wont be a huxley type of totalitarianism anymore, it'll be orwells. Anyways, but that depends of if the world survives the eventual downfall of the USA economic control and the lash out with first strike nuclear attacks on a global dissenting community.


Read war started 20 years ago. And with China 30 years ago. Back and forth negotiations official and via unofficial financial groups brought nothing in the end.

Real war*

There's no EU, only USA, thanks to the ww2 occupation and a complete generational control of it's political class from the early age with education, hiring process, campaign financing and so on. In a similar way Ukraine was obtained, but it was done under the table with CIA and NGO's.

Might want to create new meme in a few years, if you're alive that is.

I hate niggers so much it’s unreal

Forever wars are forever.

America already lost.
That geriatric pedophile you retards elected is owned by China thanks to his crackhead pedophile son.

You are a puppet government.