Economic superiority thread

Why do people constantly make up lies about Ireland? The famine never happened, slavs are the niggers of Europe and we built America.

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whats the justification for that? what does ireland even produce

is this because they are the best at charging each other higher and higher prices for houses and charge €10 for a coffee so they can pay their chav baristas €50 an hour?

their economy is robust because eu will bail them out every single time

Medicine, blood, technology, alochol, hot men, etc.

nothing, they just house multiple server rooms for google and other it giants

they produce tax heaven for mutt companies, nothing else.

how is new zealand higher than australia LMFAO. shit list

We bailed out the EU not the other way around.

sure with your pot of gold

fucking this, the only thing that comes to mind is if prepper billionaires are somehow rallying the economy, but outside of that there's no fucking way you have a better economy than ours.

That's why half of poland migrated here? The Gaelic bvll take care of polish women.

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Tax havens. They'll brag about it until there are no Irish left and it's just an island of niggers and banks.

You have a google European headquarters in Ireland, its better to be poor

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Exactly. EU is holding us back.

Big corporations do pay taxes you dumb fucks. Calling Ireland a tax haven is absolutely ironic giving the circumstances other countries are in.
Israeli lobby ring a bell?

I remember the financial crisis, that's where the term piigs came from

aussie is cheaper, pays more and ALOT more jobs. and nz has huge brain drain problem from everyone leaving to aussie. this list is so retarded.

Slavs caused the financial crisis.


Slavs moved to them countries and lowered people's wages. Greece would probably be the exception. They destroyed themselves.

yes, slavs moved to ireland and made banks give out loans like there was no tomorrow, the old tale of good banks ruined by slavs

If slavs didn't come and lower wages then the loans would have been fine.

the loans were broken by lehmann collapse in usa

I seen it all first hand. Bosses got greedy, employed the slavs for less instead of the irish. The slavs in return gave a bad service and contributed nothing back to society. All their money was sent back home and draining the local economy.

when you gonna shove it to the english faggots.

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irish people are completely delusional