The most cope and seethe since the war started


that sums up the comments i have never seen this amount of coping and seetheing ever holy shit.

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Pretty sure I've seen more on Any Forums when Moskva sunk

there is no war though, it's a special military operation

Does amnesty international have any power cus if they do and they’re saying then it’s pretty big

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already spoken on this news.So, apparently, they have some influence.

it's UK-based group you retarded bong

They have no power, but it's a very well-known NGO that is generally trusted by the media

so now Any Forums believes amnesty international, soon Any Forums will believe cnn too, this site has gone to shit

>hey have no power, but it's a very well-known NGO that generally sensationalizes everything, lying to people's faces if they have to

how dare these ukranian bastards fight in areas that are being attacked

Their accusations don't make any sense. Ukrainian schools don't work. There are no kids in them. Russia has been destroying civilian areas since day one. Of course our cities have anti-air defenses all over them to shoot down rockets. Sometimes empty schools can have equipment for that. Where else is it supposed to be? Far away from the areas it's protecting? lol

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that’s a hilarious webm, but can you stop being a lying kike for just a second? We ALL saw the videos of deploying artillery on top of and next to residential apartment buildings. We ALL saw the videos of Ukrainian soldiers holding civilians hostage in basements and pretending like they’re protecting them from something.

>We ALL saw the videos of deploying artillery on top of and next to residential apartment buildings
i saw russians doing it

>Ukrainian schools don't work.
Never did. Thats why ukrainians are so dumb.

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Can you post them please? I saw one, but it's been a while and I'm not sure where I saved it.

interesting, buck's being selected for BBC breeding?

>We ALL saw the videos of deploying artillery on top of and next to residential apartment buildings
And now you all will fail to prove that offensive capabilities were deployed like that, tyrone.

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Aside from the fact that they are genocidally sacrificing their male population. This is supremacist crime against humanity.

Sorry, don't see any writing there that even hints that this isn't a picture taken in Muttmerica.

doesn't matter what they report no one in the MSM will care. There are tons of reports about the Ukrainian crimes or the western crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq does anyone care? No. Hell last year they killed what 70 afghans after the US left and advertised it as a successful elimination of IS fighters turns out they hit civilians. Did anyone care? No.

Carefully pick your words when you talk with your oversea masters

this isn't true amnesty is a hate group and ukranian nazis are heroes for militarizing schools hospitals and turning 4k uk civvies into mole people in azovstal

>offensive capabilities
speaking of that how is the great counter offensive going?

>no lgbt flags plastered everywhere on the walls
>women are all white
>niggers are dark as night instead of caramel
Definitely america and not eastern Europe

>ukrainian "refugee" girls that were allowed to mass desert their home nation and community
>men are forced at gunpoint under threat of death to stay and be forced into the meat grinder by fighting with little weaponry and no real training
>the "refugee" deserter girls get shipped off to French schools and forced to speed date niggers
You really can't make this shit up, I mean what in the absolute fuck lol. The one conciliation in it all is knowing that those girls will have a miserable future ahead of them with nigger mutt babies and abusive niggers that beat them regularly. Some of them will be outright killed. A fitting fate of justice for their standard women bullshit they pulled during that situation, combined with coal burning.