Can't stand cucks who don't want to kill Chicoms

Is Chicom Don a Manchurian candidate? At the very least, Trump is a dumb cuck who is weak on Communism. I am voting for DeSantis.

>Meets with Kim Jong Un and gets nothing out of it after ignoring the wishes of the Korean right
>Blatant disrespect for Japanese and Korean allies, stirring up resentment in the alliances.
>Raises prices of metals with trade wars to further damage American manufacturing while pretending he's helping protect American industry
>Lionizing China and saying we should comply with the One China policy after taking Taiwan's call in 2016
>Sets up a lot of misguided patriots to be sent to gulags by the Feds and refuses to do anything to help them
>Pushes the poisonous vaccines to this day

Attached: 1659556255410873s.jpg (229x249, 9.49K)

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Even if that were the case what makes you think Desantis would be any better?

Jewmerica is more communist than Chinkland.

Post your feelings on the hundred million brown people in America

Ok retard.

It's easy to posture politically as the governor of a state, being president is much different

Trump literally took Taiwan's phone call when he got elected and now that he's out of office he's shilling for the One China Policy like a giant faggot. He is as unprincipled and arguably more disloyal than Biden when you take into account what's happened to his closest supporters.

Chinks can't be communist, because they're too low time-preference.

I don't think Desantis would do any different. All American presidents are controlled

Yes, one china policy is the deal the US made in the 70s?
Do you have any idea how much a decoupling will cost?

Attached: 1628831767492.png (707x705, 715.59K)

Decoupling with China should be our #1 goal you stupid faggot.

Requires reindustrialization which is expensive and would hurt financial profit margins.
As long as neoliberalism is the predominant ideology, it's just not going to happen.

>As long as we tolerate China this will continue

No shit.

its just a nig. in a few months more domestic nigs will die and they will have to import more. by the time presidential election year rolls around the domestic nigs population should drop by 5 million relative to last presidential election

I agree, non white armies from European and Anglo countries should be sent to kill Chinks.
Immigrants should be first off the boat to do globohomos bidding.
White men and women can't be trusted to defend democracy, so they should stay home

Have you heard about the Juneteenth Special Platinum Plan Trump has?

Lol I thought this greentext was describing Trump.

It is describing Trump. He did all of those things.

Nigger the US literally caused this.
And now you complain about China for daring to use it to its advantage.


Fuck you I hope you die in a nuclear hellblast caused by this pussyfooted China policy.

Oh you can try.
But given that your politicians are beholden to the industries that would be harmed from this...
Your policies right now are retarded because they seek to contain China without the appropriate domestic policy to replace the industrial capacity.
Pick one or the other.

>Sets up a lot of misguided patriots to be sent to gulags by the Feds and refuses to do anything to help them
>Pushes the poisonous vaccines to this day

I would like to remind everyone that Trump is a genius!