
Two weeks is 13 days away

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Hurry up and buy toilet paper

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>hello God
>no they haven't caught on yet
>yes they think it's 13 days
>nobody has a clue it's actually 12
>I appreciate your business God, you're a very useful ally
>I don't think any of them will

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That's when cern started up

(current year + 7 ) - (5.042 × 10-11)(365)

How do you calculate when earth has completed one cycle to the precision of a millisecond? Seems stupid.

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>dude it just turned faster for the first time since we've started measuring it!
>Yes we started measuring it a few weeks before, why do you ask?

only huge earthquake or meteor hit can do that

it's gonna be a calibration error anyway

A few reasons for concern.

Schizo reason:
- The bible says days will get shorter when end times are near, aka global catastrophe is approaching. If the bible has hints from ancient scientific warnings spread from mouth to ear in a 12,000 year old telephone game between goat herders, that is the only part of the message that might make it though.

Edgy science:
- The planet gets jerked and increases spin rate as a result of being hit by solar flares. And our magnetic field is exponentially weakening. So basically just a strong solar wind caused the planet to speed up. That's accepted science. It's crazy though and has crazy implications. What happens when we get hit by a big flare? An 1800's level Carrington event would burn all the wires on poles. Wires in your house. Big problem for society if everything burn up. A bigger 100 year event? Does it cause a jerk big enough to cause all the fault lines to pop off? Earthquakes everywhere? Things can be worse then just all the wires in your house catching fire, like ground liquification in an earthquake. Your house could be both on fire and sinking.

Deep end:
- Voyager, every probe closer to the sun and the new observatory getting holepunched with unexpected dust, all show dusty plasma is moving into our solar system. Our solar system has a dusty plasma sheet that waves around at the equatorial plane. The galaxy may have a similar current sheet and the evidence that shows it does suggests a 12,000 year wave crest at our position. That current sheet brings charged dusty plasma, but may also trigger magnetic reversals in star systems, it may be why Earth's magnetic field is weakening now. Dust flowing into a star our our type typically causes a NOVA like shell to be blown off the star, which would boil oceans, flood the land, then our star would go dark and look like a black sun with a halo around it. Also if you scale up the math on solar flare jerks, the jerk would be so intense oceans would overflow most lands.

>only huge earthquake or meteor hit can do that
Solar flares do that, look it up. Did you think the spin speed of the Earth was constant for billions of years? We all did. But it's time to get a refresher and throw that grade school textbook shit out already.

>it's gonna be a calibration error anyway
Why? Earth's rotation speed changes frequently with solar flares. It happens all the time.

You don't, you just make up some retarded thing that people will be distracted by for about 4 to 5 minutes. how many 5 minute segments are in a day. 288? So all they need is 288 fake scientists who make up one stupid thing everyday and BAM! There it goes. Your entire day is wasted.

>remove many tons of material from upper crust of Earth
>remove many tons of trees from surface of Earth
>burn it, releasing its carbon content into the air
>do this for hundreds of years moving the average concentration of the planets mass closer to its center of gravity
>y planet spinz fasder doe?
Humans are fucking retarded.

>You don't, you just make up some retarded thing that people will be distracted by
Yes you can and the important part you missed is these are solar jerks of our planet. If they wanted to get attention or panic, they'd phrase it that way.

Lol ffs, I am 38 and have been thru solar eclipses, shortest days and I still pay tax and never have time to grill. Of course I am against this.

Would trade my own family to see those boys back. Nobeljuden.

>solar eclipses, shortest days
That's not what it's in reference to. They don't mean short day because of eclipse or cloud. They mean short day because the spin speed of the planet changed.

The amount of material humans have distupted is still absolutely miniscule compared to the total mass of the earth.

Yeah but reduced grilling time so we are on the same page just I have a retarded reason.


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the sun is getting pissed off

>these are solar jerks of our planet
no u are the solar jerk of our planet

Fuck the sun, it hates white people. The sun might be Jewish. I am pretty sure Saturn is Jewish.

Ngl I have fingered many a Muslima nerd.

You're just doing it wrong, you need to build up the tan slowly without burning yourself.

Nigga I am half Irish, the rest is English and Welsh and Danish the sun has hunted my people for centuries. I tried reasoning with it, it doesn't listen.

And so is 1.59 milliseconds out of 24 hours… what is your point?

I guess I'm not white after all.