Why doesn't china/russia release 9/11 intel?

why doesn't china/russia release 9/11 intel?

why don't they expose secret societies?

why doesn't microsoft pull the killswitch on their software?

today data is much more powerful than a standing army

why aren't they utilizing it?

really makes you think

Attached: jump.webm (480x355, 330.73K)

And they all clapped

Attached: clap.gif (296x222, 1.89M)

They will when they form their own eurasian institutions, in the case the jews don't wage nuclear war before that

What do they gain claiming these were false flags if they have no institutions to back it up?

it's called blackmail and having the opponent by the balls
exposing 9/11 could turn the military against the government

Because we will expose theirs. Every government is more scared of their own people than foreign governments.
That's why the world is in the shape its in. All the governments of the world work against the global population.

They prob have and it's been censored, if it broke through then the media would just call it fake news propaganda.

either they're all in in it together
or they each have secrets they would prefer to keep hidden, stalemate results

US government

>hey, I can recreate something using effects!
>that means the original isn't real!

I guess explosions don't happen in real life because we can do CGI ones

>why doesn't china/russia release 9/11 intel?
Two days before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Russian President Vladimir Putin called then-US President George W. Bush and warned him about the threat of a terrorist attack. This is stated in the book by George Bibi, a former CIA officer and ex-adviser to US Vice President Dick Cheney. («The Russia Trap: How Our Shadow War with Russia Could Spiral into Nuclear Catastrophe»)
According to the ex-CIA officer, Vladimir Putin then told his American counterpart that "Russian intelligence had detected signs of a terrorist campaign that had begun," which had been preparing for a long time in Afghanistan. On September 11, Mr. Putin was the first foreign leader to call the US administration to express his condolences. Subsequently, he also supported the operation against Al-Qaeda
On September 11, the Kremlin said that Vladimir Putin had been informed about the terrorist attacks in the United States, and he sent a telegram to George Bush. The Russian President said he was "deeply shocked by the reports of tragic events," calling them "a series of barbaric terrorist acts directed against innocent people." He noted that "the entire international community should unite in the fight against terrorism." He also conveyed his condolences by phone through the assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Condoleezza Rice.
The next day, September 12, the Presidents of Russia and the United States had another conversation. They "stressed the need to strengthen the interaction of the international community in the fight against a common threat." As noted in the Kremlin, the events that took place "once again prove the need for Russia and the United States to be closer to each other."

>if it broke through then the media would just call it fake news propaganda
i always hear from moon landing believers that russia would have exposed it if was faked

The U.S. has proof that the Russians did not go into space first, and the Russians have proof that the U.S. was not on the moon.
I believe on each point there is such a deal

slowing down footage creates the illusion of lower gravity
speed up the moon footage and it looks like on earth

Obviously it's not intel, but didn't Russia literally report that they gave intelligence warnings to the US before the events dismissing the official theory of "lack of foreknowledge"? And didn't RT literally interview people like William Rodriguez, who's testimony creates doubt about the official story? It's like you expect that foreign nations are gonna have intel on (what is probably) covert CIA, Mossad, and Black Ops Military operation, I don't see how any foreign nation would have access to that information, especially if it's kept extremely secret.

The US military doesn't call any shots anymore I think ever since the Vietnam War. Scott Ritter is right, 9/11 was about sabotaging the military even further so the jews at raytheon could make some buck

I'm pretty sure Russians and Chinese have even larger skeletons in their closet and If they would release information incriminating the west. Western spooks would release the info about them If they did.

Taken in to account how common child pornography is in Russia and how fucked up China actually is (selling children, eating fetuses etc.) it would be too hard to imagine. Russia propably has a far larger elite pedophilia ring than the West ever had/has.

because jews

Possible deniability is too high for the US elite who are left from that time. It wouldn't work, also the wests distrust towards the east is at all time high, the public wouldn't believe it.

> really makes you think
But in a wrong direction. You so desperately wish for evil overlords, because you can't accept that world is run by average incompetent idiots. There is no intel to release.

But what about the Kennedy assassination? Politicians with incendiary opinions like him just can't die in freak accidents

Are you saying Putin had a hand in the start of war against terror? What I recal, Russia was under constant attacks from muslim (chechen) extremists and what we now know, Putin has only rewarded the chechens from their doings. It's a big club and you're not invited.

Pretty much everyone wanted him dead. The east and the west. Khrushchev was also deposed at the same time.

in the cases of 9/11 and JFK it is very obvious