Eating bugs is bad, because... IT'S BAD, OK!

Eating bugs is bad, because... IT'S BAD, OK!

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We don't eat because we are hungry we eat for pleasure.
If it's about hunger and taste doesn't matter you can get intravenous food like comatose patients.
Also stop pretending that crap has taste it's more smell than taste and the taste is seasoning

these are shrimp you fucking moron

Of course the Ukrop appears to be aligned with the WEF.

it's neither bad nor good, depending on how much of an idiot you are about it (chitin is not good for you so you should always remove the shells, and they can be full of parasites and viruses, so it's best to eat them well-done)
that being said if you try to take my steak and give me a cricketburger instead, to "save the whales" or some shit like that, we WILL have words
have some herbs for now

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empty calories

Your mom ate my bug last night

Crustaceans are not bugs fagget.

>Crawfish are not insects, but freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters. Crawfish (also known as crawdads, mudbugs, crayfish) are not harmful to turfgrass, but can become numerous in poorly drained soil. They build unsightly tubes that may reach several inches in height.

They litterally and factually are infested with parasites. 90% of "bug farms" were found to have insects that had parasitic pathogens.

We are not supposed to eat bugs.

If those are bugs then you are a black gorilla nigger

Your not supposed to eat those things in that pic either, again, parasites.
Niggers have just been fucking psyoped.

If you eat animals with an exoskeleton then you are eating bugs that are infested with parasites.

>Crustaceans are not bugs!
>So what's the difference?
>They have different name so I can cope with eating water bugs

There's an element of class to food.

In America, we eat animal flesh and look down on eating animal organ meat, not that there's anything wrong with it.

We simply look down on it.

Same for eating bugs. Third world countries eat insects.

Knowing what I do of commercial aquaculture, I'm not sure if I would eat those either.

Home-caught crawfish are probably safe, but then again your local river may not be as clean as you think it is. Crustaceans are bad to absorb lots of heavy metals.

crustaceans have actual meat in them you retard. Bugs like roaches have a weird gelatinous interior and are covered in chitin. They're not the same and you know it you disingenuous sack of worthless nigger shit.

Retarded comparison. We eat the fleshy part of crustaceans, not ground chitin.

I don't eat sea crustaceans. I don't even like fish and I'm Polynesian. Nice try jew

Yeah okay, you eat them Renfield you sad pedo.
Pedo’s huh? Always crazy for those tasty, tasty flies.

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>you eat water bug so why not eat land bug?
Because fuck you, nigger.

imagine being this retarded


You... you think crustaceans are insects? Are you vaccinated?

This. I'm not even letting the jews make me eat the sea bugs.

Post yourself I bet you look weird as fuck.

Bugs contain chitin which helps cancer, parasites, bacteria flourish. Same reason lobster and shrimp has to be cooked consumed and stored very carefully.

If we're defining a bug by it's physical similarities then the English are beady eyed bug men

>hohol education
will you build new schools for hohols?


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you can eat the muscles of a crawfish tail, and the muscle of their claws. eating a worm or a locust means eating their unclean guts, full of shit, that represent more than half of their weight

correct me if im wrong but insects don't have meat if cooked like a lobster that opens up

Why would I eat the bugs? All of our monkey ancestors eat bugs and they're stupid as fuck. Grug got big brain from eat furry animal

>OP misses the entire point yet again.
Making eating insects instead of meat mandatory for the sake of climate change is just an excuse for some CEO to decrease production time and costs for a larger consumerbase.

The rich, on the other hand, will just continue to eat their steak, because being human with rights on this planet is measured by wealth.

You can go on the North Korean diet. I'll stick to meat, thanks.

>Lobsters is giant insects so day are!
>so I eat flies.
These pedo’s who come here at crazy o’clock every day before someone forces them to take their med’s are probably a fraction of one percent of the population but are used by big tech and TV alongside and controlled by their bots to fake a majority. Fact is if humanity was this fucking stupid they’d have got wiped out long ago, by chickens or w/e found them first. They belong inside asylums getting the treatment they need not out here harassing sane people to undergo genetic manipulation injections and eat spiders.

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>turtles and oysters are insects