Mexican has a 90 iq

And I have an iq of 128 am I the first intellectual mexican.

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All hail the Gigaspic!

Is Guatemala legally retarded?

It was 87 ten years ago, so It means we evolving

>argentina 93

Lies, Guillermo González Camarena was the first intellectual bean
>t. Engineering bean

What's the engineering job market in Mexico like these days? Seems like it should be OK with all the factories down there

No clue, I've been in the US for 12 years. Currently in my EE Master's, not sure whether to go back, go to yurop or settle here

Congratulations primo.
I always knew you were smart and shit

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69 is the magic retard number

I have an IQ of 120 and I’m a mentally ill autist. I think that charisma and work ethic is more important than IQ.

Can you really move to Europe with just a master's? I thought it was more competitive than that

>not pictured muttistan at 87
>chile and argentina had inmigration and economic collapse
Mexico confirmed for whitest country in the americas, we are literally /white/ hermanos the mantle of the mighty white race rests on our shoulders

You’re probably half white hence the higher iq

This one seems to be more accurate, every latin american country is listed as retarded as fuck:

>intellectual mexican

wtf is wrong with central america, their iq is lower than american niggers

No, you’re still 87. The increase is due to an influx of burgers in your country that you keep complaining about.

Were becoming whiter

>mexican intellectuals

dude IQ is so subjective. Every site will give you a different number. If you got that number from a facebook quiz, i hate to break it to you bro but, it’s 30 points too high. take a tan IQ test abs come back. Also, I was 128 at 12 and 147 at 27 so take that for what it’s worth too. I don’t even think it’s an accurate guage DESU.

it’s supposed to be a guage of natural ability, right? it’s more an indicator of education level past 18 am i right?