Biden in Quarantine For the Rest of His Presidency

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Saudis stuck him with a super strain

This means war

Biden is long dead.

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>use corona as excuse to get face lift
>get corona for real right after
>double dip the excuse

Do they have a body double double?

forever, forever ever..Hey Ya Hey Yaa ahh

This will be his excuse for never doing a public speaking event again. All events will be previously rehearsed, and edited through the appropriate channels.

Just a new narrative to justify the takeover by Madame President.

Exactly. He's a fucking disaster waiting to happen.

They're RGBing Biden

And here's why. Literally 1.5 seconds found only in one place on the Internet and one weaponized autist that is a crack observer.

Last time I checked, humans bleed when they get a massive gash on their calf.

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Reminds me of that comic where Harris was rolling him and his wheelchair off a cliff.

most likely doesn't even have covid.. the nigger probably went 100% senile and can't even follow directions anymore.. they need to hide him away and wait till after the midterms to do the switcheroo with poobala.

Dude is dead I bet. They are buying time to get a body double ready.

Monleypox from fucking a pozzed kid

He's going to win the next election, with even more votes, while being locked in the basement.

Covid is such an asspull excuse.
Trudeau used it during the trucking event.
China recently used it to put down bank run protesters.

I sincerely hope he dies and i've never felt that before for another human being.

He’s dead dude.

That's not Joe Biden. From what I can tell by traveling back in time on a photo journey, Biden was "replaced" some time during the Obama administration. Replaced with what? I dunno. Tards try to explain it with "he was cloned". No one is going to waste time and money cloning an old man. Obama has "issues" too. First Obama had a massive "axe wound" going around his skull. Biden inauguration Obama had zero scars. Trump has been fiddled with too. at the very least he's used body doubles. TX and SC rallies in particular. And sorry but the frail creepy looking old golfer Trump--not Trump.

Joe's been through a few "models". Butt chin, no butt chin, original, brown eye, blue eye, attached ears unattached. Completely different ear patterns...

inb4 glownigger LARPing as plastic surgeon assures me
>it's just plastic surgery bro
yeah--plastic surgery doesn't change a human's energy signature. Thanks for playing.

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>Ruler stuck in sick bed
>Everyone else runs the kingdom for said ruler
>Everything gets even shittier as a result.
Where have I seen this before?

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