Why does pol never talk about this book

>the harassment architecture

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I read it. It’s ok.

It's a good book

Mike Ma is well beyond Any Forums. Only men that have put 3 feet on the gas pedal and screamed about their murder plan at a bisexual hispanic hairdresser can understand

Painfully cringe and masturbatory, reads like a 16-year-old kid wrote it. Bronze Age Mindset is a much better neo-RW book.

It's a narrative trainwreck. That being said, it's fun to turn to a random page and read each individual point as its own story. It's pretty incoherent otherwise.

It's a trash book that belongs in the trash. Look at Amazon reviews and you can see my picture of it thrown in the trash.


just make something beautiful oh you cant because you are poor and shitty and stupid

This but unironically.

>neo-right wing
Stop. You don't need to add "neo" to things just to make it sound cooler. It's just right-wing, I'll be it new ideas on the right.

>what kind of stupid name is Benvenuto Cellini

there was a wave of books that came out of that Twitter sphere after BAM that I never bothered reading
BAM is good though, I think about Empedocles throwing himself into a volcano a lot

BAM is almost unreadable

it clearly not meant to be read as a strict narrative, there's no real characters just the narrator borderline rambling

hi Mike!

you don’t “get” it, that wave has kind of passed though and some of the terminology is so hyper focused in the context of the 2016 post election culture that it may be hard to understand without being introduced to it

alot of it still holds up though, everything about the longhouse and the development of space in western society as reflection of instinctual need for personal space away from a cage.
I also agree with him when he says that anarchy isn’t the way forward, that tearing everything down would just return us to a bug like state, much easier to wait for a weak spot to open up at which point everybody who can see moves into action

Never heard of it. what’s it about?

I've tried reading Harassment Architecture and I almost died of cringe. Reads like a self-insert story written by a 14 year old.
It's cringe as fuck, and that's coming from someone who enjoyed reading We The Drecc.
is correct, but don't read BAP eihter.

The prefix is meant to denote right-wing literature that was authored after the dawn of the internet, which most definitely describes both Harassment Architecture and BAM.

It's a good book and Any Forums NEETS should be forced to read it

It reads like a journal you retard

he's definitely not the psycho he portrayed himself to be in the book, he is actually a well connected and well off guy. just google his name and he is attractive and moves in upclass social circles.

still an interesting book for cathartic reasons

I liked and trust your review sir, I’m not gonna waste my time on this angsty shit

> homosexual cluster Bs concern trolling: the book

One of the BEST books ever written. Actually everyone in this thread should read it. Unlike OP's book, it actually happened.

Attached: cellini.jpg (1400x2098, 132.47K)

How close is Mike to trooning out?