You know what

Dude has a point...

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Already debunked

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>The Indians were displaced, impoverished and all but wiped out by mass immigration from other countries
>So now you should let us do the same thing to you
Does not follow

you owe 10,000 years of back rent, plus interest, goyim.

Attached: neanderthal in suit.jpg (553x369, 24.4K)

I like this one

Humans have been migrating all over the world.

There's no such thing as "indigenous". It's just that humans came from one place and settled in another before being wiped out and replaced by another group of humans.

Natives came from Asia and they were genociding and replacing each other.

Attached: 1658383869539765.png (545x654, 242.92K)

Can confirm it makes leftists absolutely seethe and they can never fully articulate *why* they are angry. Every Any Forums poster should have a copy of this smuggie on their hdd somewhere.

Tell him to go back to Siberia.

This wasn't immigration you dumb faggot. This was an invasion. War. redskins lost due to being inferior in every way. Try harder.

my country now maybe get a better immune system next time mongoloid

Immigration is the same but without the use of violence. Unless you consider the increased crime ratings you get from that

Is this a gpt-3 post

bunch of pussies. should have fought harder

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That dude's also dead and has no descendants

We didn't immigrate, we conquered.

>And assimilated ourselves
You even dont know what you are now. Even we dont know it anymore, hah heh!

Only if you're a retarded shitskin.
Americans conquered the US.
Prairie Abos lost because they were too stupid to evolve out of the neolithic

Behold: The carving that convinced the world that the savages cannot be trusted

Attached: 1622_massacre_jamestown_de_Bry.jpg (1280x1084, 426.39K)