Kraut/pol/ Blackpilled Devon Stack Edition

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Joe Rogans guest yesterday, Chris Williamson, said "Blackpilled" means "realizing you will never get a girlfriend"

Blackpilled is a streamer on odyssey.

It is just reality. Freaks with psychological issues are destroying the right-wing side and 3rd positionism. I am just calling it out.

does blackpilled not have a gf or something?

Idk and frankly I do not care. I do dig his content though.

The sandy hook stuff with AJ is just so played out
It was an extremely effective PSYOP by his enemies to have normies associate him with such a ridiculous “hoax”

Is dat boi Streicherfag lurking

his last two videos featuring ruby ridge and waco should be required watching for any american user not aware of those events.

He did it to himself man. His own staff warned him in regard to the sources but he did not want to hear it because of the possible donations. The attention economy and his greed done him, not the Jews.

Devon stack is a fucking glowie just like Buttgieg but okay.

Or any other power broker for that matter. He is not systemically dangerous.

He is among my favorites.

Yeah but it’s not like he made up the hoax hoax.
It was a popular theory within the conspiracy circles during that time

He clears up all the sandy hook allegations in the first ep of JRE

At this point, everyone's a glowie man. You, me, your mom.

And how did you arrive at this conclusion?

That is true, he just spread it. I never said he did it, the thing he is guilty of is bad journalism and then doubling down on it. To the detriment of the relatives and right-wing politics.

* make the hoax

Admittedly I am pretty unimaginative which is why I often use food I ate, stuff I watch or people who look like those I met as memes.

How much do you lie from 1 to 12?
Answer honestly.

Sounds like a nigger or a jew. Blackpilled is realizing that its already gone past the point of return and nothing can be done short of violence.

Blackpilled is redpilled but in a glass half empty kind of way

The party limo is sick
It’s actually just a decked out SUV
Sipping champagne rn mwahahaha

It makes me happy when non Americans know about the details of pro whites in America. It makes me feel like maybe we really can unite to defeat the kikes of this earth someday. Maybe soon, maybe not for many centuries, but someday.

1-2 - I suck hard at lying because I am not creative enough. To be a good liar one must be creative and able to improvise. Both things not really particular strengths of mine. However, I would assume that some things that happened to me or where I was present would be told slightly different from another present persons POV. But that is normal.

Devon is possibly one of the top content creators the right has but he gets little recognition. His breakdown of movies will ruin you tho. Once you start seeing film through that lens, you can't turn it off.

I do not really think it is the Jews desu. Imho it is a problem of spiteful mutants of which most happen to be Jewish because the Jewish way of live is most conducive to their creation. That said I do not believe that Jews are inherently friendly to European peoples, quite the opposite. They are a more ethnocentric group that does compete for power. Looking at the consequences of their actions the results are in fact almost always self-defeating.

Ya he admitted in his interview with Moldbug that he is some ideologue for the American style democracy/republicanism. Founding fathers larp shit

Moldbug just gave him a dirty look like “bruh stfu idiot”