Jewish grudge

Why can't Jews let the past go?

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Burnt offering to whom exactly?

Because everywhere in their jewish past, they have been noticed for the filth they peddle and do, and expelled.

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Because they use it to justify being manipulative and shitty. If you can pretend you're the underdog constantly you can piss on everyone else guilt-free.

what a sad cope

Also they made art in stone and that jew and all the ancestors before him made nothing but trouble

semi related but here's a great example of one of life's easiest litmus tests
when the middle finger goes up, if the thumb is also out, they have the mind virus

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>“You see all these stones
, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.”

I dont know why do you call them christ killers? Seems like most anitsemites are just jealous people that dont have an identity

Then they would have no future.

This never happened but they need to play the victim all the time.

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>when the middle finger goes up, if the thumb is also out, they have the mind virus
Why? I don't get it.

What a shitty middle finger raise. He's clearly trying to keep it as subtle as possible to people around him. There's no "fuck you" spirit in that. What a faggy kike

Yeah is like when a sports player blows any little slight put of proportion to motivate themselves so they can push harder. Its a great strategy.

Attached: FateoftheJews02.png (576x1800, 1.79M)

there's no joke to get, it's just a law of nature, and it's on display in the op pic from a mile away without even reading the content

can't even give the middle finger right.
the only thing a jew is ever brankrupt of is morals and value to anyone around them.

>Erase everyone else's history
>Muh long history, muh ancient culture!
Fuck Jews, they arnt even Jews they are LARPers from khazaria, literally highwaymen and murderes

his little jew finger is tiny like his little jew cock

this lmao