Jew leaders: women should cover their hair so they are not sexually provocative

>jew leaders: women should cover their hair so they are not sexually provocative
>jew women: ok, we'll cover our hair with a natural hair wig lol

Why are women so good at the game, bros? It's like they can't be tamed. They'll always find a way.

Attached: hasidic woman.jpg (2000x1333, 419.5K)

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Jews are always trying to skirt the rules God gave them, their entire raison d'etre is to swindle God

He can't be stopped.

Attached: 1659434639338684.jpg (785x847, 80.01K)


Attached: SmartSelect_20220729-220926_Instagram.jpg (1079x1079, 654.48K)

He can we just don't really care

Very true Radu - especially our Charlotte.

I just didn’t want you to feel left out after I marry her.

This is something that most of Any Forums doesn't get about Jews. They have a millennia-long tradition of arguing and lawyering over their sacred texts. They don't blindly accept the Old Testament / Torah as dogma - they look for loopholes that their God put there for them to find. It's why they put that wire up around New York, to turn a "public" place into a "private" one. It's why they make special electric switches to operate on their sabbath, that don't *directly* turn the power on once you press the switch.

That's where the concept of pilpul comes from, too. It seeped from their religion into their culture at large. Jewish families have lively debates around their dinner tables, just for the sake of debating. This is why so many of them are over-represented in law (also nepotism, it goes without saying).

Long hair is fine too, if they're athletic and boyish enough in other areas.

Attached: Tomboy Skater.jpg (427x640, 49.07K)

“Psst, that weird Radu has been hanging around again. Ever since I got married to UK user, Radu has been acting really strange.”

Attached: DEBB8EF5-FB9F-4B74-B06E-F23570FC1EB4.jpg (1263x1276, 1.2M)

Attached: tomboy.png (1280x822, 647.22K)

Tenth post best post.
>Four rabbis are arguing about the purity of an old oven.
>Three think it need to be purified, but the last argues it is pure.
>The lone rabbi declares, "If I'm right, then this room will prove it!"
>Suddenly, a large crack appears on the wall opposite to the men.
>"This old place is falling apart, that proves nothing," the three other rabbi smirk as they point out similar flaws through out the building.
>The opposing rabbi once again shouts "If I'm right then the heavens will prove it!"
>Out of nowhere, a torrential downpour begins.
>"Eh, it looked like rain earlier," the other rabbis say dismissively.
>In desperation, the rabbi cries out, "If I'm right then God will affirm it!"
>A booming heavenly voice declares "He's right!"
>The three rabbis look at each other and sigh.
>"Alright, alright, so it's 3 vs 2."

Come now, there are enough tomboys to go around. All you have to do is date a "nonbinary" girl, establish patriarchy by dicking her down, and subtly let her know that you like her more when she doesn't use silly pronouns.

Attached: Goth Tomboy.jpg (517x720, 58.76K)

Not a bad idea - if I just get her addicted to orgasms then perhaps I’ll be able to fatten her up over time as well. All short-haired and tubby.

Attached: GettyImages-970451500.jpg (1600x1114, 122.36K)

>their entire raison d'etre is to swindle God

He’s like the one dude you can’t swindle though, by definition lol

That's the point though, by definition His laws are watertight. So, if you find some loophole in His laws, then the loophole is also a part of His will.

they do it for free.
yeah good idea, you just want a tomboy period, you don't have an actual oneitis.

Tbh, I've actually gotten along with Jews I know personally, in large part because I can hold my own at that kind of debating for the sake of debating. It's probably kept me from turning hateful after I got redpilled. I now know that Jews are statistically over-represented in positions of power, and often use that power to do things which hurt White America, but I only wish happiness and prosperity to my Jewish friends.

No no no, user. Tomboys are supposed to be sporty and athletic. They hide their curves under baggy androgynous clothing, not under repulsive rolls of fat.

Attached: Tomboy 1.jpg (681x433, 64.99K)

>hide their curves under baggy androgynous clothing
why do many girls do that anyway, wear clothes way too baggy?
they got some kinda neurosis?

damn gypsy bro, your still at it, going strong haha, how you have not been banned yet i do not know!

yeah i haven't, sometimes posts just disappear and i can't post anymore

Attached: kiryu.jpg (473x460, 21.36K)

Oneitis is not healthy, user. I crushed on my classmate for 4 years of high school and ignored multiple other girls who were interested in me. I want to go back in time and slap myself. You'll feel the same way one day, too.

Have a tomboy who's not that short-haired soccer player.

>they got some kinda neurosis?
Yes. Social media and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. 12 year old girls are looking at insta models and developing anorexia and shit.

Attached: Tomboy 2.jpg (1870x2408, 733.98K)

yup i probably will. Though from what i've seen around here, well, i doubt i'm missing out on too much.
>Have a tomboy who's not that short-haired soccer player.
nah, other tomboys are cool but they're not her

haha, so when are you gonna hit up her instagram witha message to meet up?
you gotta fly your ass to Germany for that coffee date im afraid.

>haha, so when are you gonna hit up her instagram witha message to meet up?
when i'll have a shot, so when the moon turns black and the oceans red. Never.
>you gotta fly your ass to Germany for that coffee date im afraid.
nah, since it ain't ever happening i don't

its funny how people still think judaism is about religion at all

>sometimes posts just disappear and i can't post anymore
his is a troll being paid to post and spam HRT boys and tomboys to try to trick us into thinking they are cute to slowly turn us into possibly liking HRT boys to try to turn us all gay... Even if they only succeed with 5%, they are still doing their job. This is all about white replacement and trying to turn us gay and unproductive. I have called this fucker out in many threads. They started in a team spamming pictures and one-liners with this Voll "girl" they call a tomboy about 8 days ago... Dont fall for it, that aint cute, i am pretty confident thats an HRT boy.

>Its quite obvious something is behind all the posting of pictures of this one person all of a sudden.... That kinda stuff doesnt happen on its own around here just like the MASSIVE shill campaign of the no'fap shit about a year or two ago. What the shit it came outta nowhere and was shilled hard as fuck for like 4 months before they slowly gave it up. C'mon whats the angle and why this chick and whats it about?
>ah fuck i get it. You are slowly trying to trick "incels" into thinking that boyish features girl is attractive because shes the best you can find... Shes semi-attractive female and if you can make "incels" think shes attractive then slowly, you can make "incels" start to like boys on HRT who look feminine and slowly turn "incels" into being fags and fuckin dudes....
>This is just another ploy to destroy the birth rates by making guys wanna fuck guys in the long run.... Son of a bitch i figured it out. This is just another try at no fap to try to get guys to think they dont need a girl.... lower the birthrate while you are increasing the population with blacks, mexicans, immigrants, all in a purpose to lower the white birthrate and make guys like feminine HRT guys...
>think tanks = idiots

good run down: