Where were you on 9/11?

Where were you on 9/11?

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Dancing on top of a van with my buddies

at the controls of the first plane


ur moms house

in my room jacking off as usual

in a bar

Taking my political science finals sophomore year of college at OSU


Where were you when they built the ladder to heaven
>Did it make you feel like ccrying?
Or did ya think it was kinda gay

Finals in September

It was my first year of teaching. Lasted 12 years.

sucking my mom's nipples probably


Home, masturbating.

Was in 8th grade keyboarding class

Sword fighting class

Cumming in your moms pussy

Wasnt born

I was on an advanced opportunity type program to get credits to make up for the previous years retardstion yada yada yada

fucking ur mom

i hate zoomres

i was 15 i think and i was chatting with some girl on the internet. the internet was slow back then

I was an oblivious 2 year old.

Teaching a class on how to employ a claymore mine


history class making jokes with the bros about it
the teacher scolded us about it which just made us all laugh uncontrollably harder
what a great time to be alive wish i could go back
i did not understand at the time that it was the beginning of the dark days

unborn fetus

skipping school because my mom was on a business trip to Los Angeles. I was sitting in the couch watching Johnny Bravo on the local TV channels because we didn't have cable back then so they cut my kids show to show the North Tower on fire. My dad suddenly came back home and found me skipping school. He almost power slam me through a table but seeing what what's happening on TV, he was just glad that I was home safe, so he left and went to get my sister from school while on the phone with mom.

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I came downstairs after jacking off to hentai and immediately saw the stricken look on my parents' faces, glued to the TV.

My whole world was about to change.

Sometime later that year I saw my first Black dick on a screen and jacked off to interracial.

Twenty years later, I am an utter mind slave to sissie hypno BBC and too fucking jaded to live.

Reading amazon reviews.
>CollageAnon addition: Duality Into Unity

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What kind of jokes? I've not heard a lot of good 911 jokes. I liked the family guy 911 jokes where peter strolls by the living room tv on 911 and chuckles and says, "woman pilot, amirite"



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In a Honda del Sol. The first strike came over the radio. WTAM 1100. Pulled into McDo to get pancakes. Second strike. Guy at the scene starts screaming. Bill Wills tells him to calm down. I drive home and eat pancakes in front of Katie Couric.

that's because you're old , virgin, and probably balding, anyways, my chocolate isn't going to make itself, chop chop wagie

I was hanging out with Mark Wahlberg

I was in a similar boat, taking my pol-sci exam, Professor Eli Frazier (short fat black guy with big mustache) runs in frantically and whispers to our professor Dr. Courtney Paul (also short, white woman who was married to a Native American cop) and she alerted us to stop and told us about the events in NY (this was before the pentagon was hit). I turned to a guy named Kent Perez (mixed white Mexican guy and one of the only other 3 people taking the exam) and said "bush is gonna invade some poor suckers over this" and he responded "Hopefully not"

Wtf are you me?!?!

Unironically fingering my highschool crush in the gymnasium with the lights turned off. Her bitch of a single mother picked her up and we broke up a year later.

>skipping school
Based. I missed the bus and had to walk. I was late, but nearly 3000 people made the ultimate sacrifice to make sure I wasn't marked down as tardy.

Based kike.

Yet you made sure to tell her not to go to work huh moshe?