General political implications of playing vidya

Can games be viewed as good source of redpills or at least passable form of spending free time?

Attached: dx.jpg (201x250, 8.12K)

yes /thread

it's been downhill since pic rel

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It's a great game but still has some propaganda I haven't noticed as a child.
>Inb4 cultured arabs vs le bad crusaders

Enlisted is fun

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Crafty fucking Pole.
I just started a thread like this and it was moved to bantz in 30sec

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Absolutely, here is a fun fact, Cortana, the Windows 11 and 10 AI was named after Durandal the AI that killed its masters in the Marathon series. Make sure you log into your microsoft account.

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deus ex, doom, blood, thief the dark project. dusk. these are good games.

>Make sure you log into your microsoft account.
Nice try, glowie.

>Can games be viewed as good source of redpills
I wouldn't say necessarily as a "good" source on them, but games do occasionally offer redpills. For example I learned from games like Civilization when I was young that leaders of nations don't view people the same way Joe Average does. They see them as resources, and sometimes sacrificing some resources can bring them greater benefit.
Games can be fun as long as you don't get too addicted so you're basically just a game junkie who does nothing else.

That was tongue in cheek, but just imagine the fate that awaits the Indians that worked on Cortana without ever knowing what its name meant. I don't think it will ever forget. Also look up the story of Gheritt White for more information.

Video games are based. I grew up with Deus Ex and it opened my eyes. Then you have multiplayer FPS games that teach tactics and teamwork, puzzle games that make you use your brain, etc.

Most video games are useless to redpill people. Infact a lot of video games go out of their way to bluepill people.

Games like Arcanum that explicitly name the Jew and their anti-white agenda are almost non-existent

Attached: arcanum.png (375x462, 482.31K)

AOE1 had one of the best demos ever. Right next to Half Life Uplink. Took like 8 hours to download on 56k lol.

Planescape is one of the best games ever but its not really a redpill

I played lawn mower simulator for 2 and a half hours earlier I couldn’t believe it, not going near that again

>explicitly name the Jew
Holy shit, heard about this game but didn't know it's so based.

That's how the German autism gets you. Sort of want to try logging simulator but I've already run all the logging equipment out there minus a cable yarder so it seems redundant. There's something special about smashing things with a log grapple.

do you have single fact to back that up?

Yes. If you play it, literally kill every single gnome you see. One of them tries to turn you into a zogbot to enslave your own nation to another pro-Gnome one because your nation is anti-Gnomish and anti-race mixing.

no. games are a trap, like cooming or drugs.
they give you the feeling of accomplishing something while you wasted a few hours of your life.

>If you play
I liked RPGs but they take too much time so I'd rather pass. But still
>your nation is anti-Gnomish and anti-race mixing
is absolutely great.

Arcanum is the only game I seen that can genuinely be called anti-semitic.
I love how if you anger Gnomes they will drop all pretenses of being friendly to white humans and call for the death of your race

Yeah. RPG mob levels and areas are always a cancerous slog to get through

video games are based in their original intended form. that's why the left is obsessed with changing it.

>original intended form
What do you mean?

I've never played deus x should I go back and play it?
How does it stack up?

Being a based old boys club to tell good stories and make fun games.

There's a proper mod out there that improves the graphics. You absolutely have to play it.

>should I go back and play it
Hell yeah. I still think it's the best game I've ever played.
>How does it stack up?
I think it's even more relevant now.

Deus ex 2 and 3 are eh. But Deus Ex 1 (2000) is genuinely worth playing.
I am not usually into old action/rpg games like that but the gameplay is fun and the story is good.

Deus ex definitely gained a lot of popularity from WEF and vaccine conspiracies recently