National Socialist / General / Propaganda Thread

>In this Thread we will discuss how to convince normies and friends to root for NatSoc views.

>In this Thread we will discuss how we should frame opinions and form a strategy that they agree with the "receivers" different woldviews

>In this Thread we will discuss how we can deceive the people to start recognizing patterns of jewish influence. See LGBT insitutions(jews) that are being Taxfunded and then funding Grasroot(protesters) organisations to cut the line, media will not report who is above whom

>Inb4 kikes and trannies are trying to get this Thread burried

>In this thread we also need to find a away how we can include black people and foreigners into NationalSocialist actions against communisms and bolshewism

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This is never going to work

Most normies/people are Christians. Focus on that.

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I loved it when Hitler killed himself

>In this thread we also need to find a away how we can include black people and foreigners into NationalSocialist actions against communisms and bolshewism

Additional; white europe is not anymore possible. First we need to frame foreigners to get good grades, get them values, and then we send them home. So every country on this world can build up on NatSoc Values and bring their country further in technology, medicine.

I would root for a National Socialist Imperialism Congress / One World Order. Politicans in every country must be rooted in their countries over 7 generations, dont matter their Skincolour.

Nazies, totally not current day globalist, I swear

I enjoy killing faggots

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It starts with the womb. We need maternity centers, birthing centers, and post partum centers. Teach our young mothers what foods to eat for optimal breast milk production. Help them to ease into their motherly roles without stressing them out. The Chinese and Koreans have a good system example for these care centers. Modern mothers can’t rely on the grandmothers to pass them knowledge so it must be retaught and then enforced within the maternal community.

It’s fun to go through the 25 points with people and at the end tell them that they agree with all of Adolfs policies

Mirin that Rare Heydrich fren

It just needs a new name, like in the Never Ending Story

Call it Patriotic Community Movement

Back in my old high school I've named the 109 by saying to my teacher
>If I were kicked out of 4 different high schools,is that my fault,or do all these institutions hate me for no reason?
You could start with subtle stuff like this,or slightly toned down normie friendly posters on lightposts and bridges.

I am always amused when I explain national socialism without mentioning the title national socialism, how many normies agree with my ideological and philosophical outlook. The many hangup they have is their indoctrinated defense of kikes, so I have left mentioning jews out directly, and keep it to Hollywood and banking elites.
Surprisingly, it is with my few Islamic friends that I can openly speak about the international jew without the "le ebil yahtzee viewpoint" kicking in.
And even with them they are surprised to find out my ideological underpinnings. "You're such a kind person" because even the Muslims now expect anyone expressing National Socialism to be some tatted methed out skinhead, not some clean-cut athletic workingman. Such is the power of kike media that even the most ardent Islamist is programmed by the kikes propaganda, a point I have quite enjoyed pointing out.

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>In this thread we also need to find a way to include black people and foreigners into National Socialism

How this could work:

>Every race has its own National Socialist movement focusing on creating their own racial empires and rebuilding their own natural traditions and spiritualities.

>Ethnicities are put aside, and we move into a multipolar world based on race. White Aryan Reich, Black African Reich, Arab Reich, Jewish Reich, East Asian Reich, South Asian Reich, Latino Reich, etc.

>The Abrahamic religions are discarded outside of the Middle East and Semitic peoples.

>America is Balkanized but the other Anglo diaspora countries remain White, outside of perhaps the indigenous populations living on reservations.

>Russia will divide on racial lines, part of it going to the Asian Reich.

>White South Africans have to leave.

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This would work for everyone.

We need to start treating the different races as different species, the apex predators of their own regions.

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The proliferation of distinct spiritualities and traditions can easily be exploited to foment conflict among different groups by the media cartels. There will have to be a moral standard that all adherents swear to share.

>The proliferation of distinct spiritualities and traditions can easily be exploited to foment conflict among different groups by the media cartels.
A. There won't be any more media cartels.
B. The people with different spiritualities and traditions will be living in different empires.
>There will have to be a moral standard that all adherents swear to share.
Each group will be looking out for the wellbeing and future of its own people, and common understandings can be found over that.

You tried to dominate other races and lost. There is no going back to status quo now. One can't ask back his money at a casino

>One can't ask back his money at a casino
He can if he has a gun