Poos are cheats and scammers

I keep getting calls on my cell phone from some Indian scammers trying to swindle me. It's always some call center somewhere in Shithole, India full of pajeets who are telling me my car's warranty is expired, or that the Social Security Administration has frozen my account, or that I need to pay the IRS for taxes owed, and these Poos are trying to swindle me out of money. Obviously I'm not some cantankerous old fuck, so I don't fall for their tricks, but I feel bad for the older fucks that are more vulnerable. The olds unwittingly send millions of dollars a year over to these filthy, shit stinking Poos from their scams.

I think it's about time that Western countries band together and sanction the Indian government for the millions defrauded annually by these filthy fucking Poos.

I fucking hate Poos, man. Brown-skinned low-IQ retards.. Everything about their country sucks. Every street corner smells like human feces and cow shit, their food sucks... their curries are just full of spices because their food is rotten and disgusting and they need to add the spice to mask the rot, and those motherfuckers don't even take showers. Chinks don't stink, because although they don't take showers, they don't need to because they don't sweat. But sand niggers and Poos stink because they sweat and don't take showers. Terrorists and Poos sweat and stink.

And then these filthy Poos come over to the US and get rich and become overclass immigrants as read in this article (unz.com/article/radio-derb-beware-of-overclass-immigrants-who-want-to-dispossess-white-america/) and tell us how to live and shit. Like an ACTUAL guy named Jeet Heer who said on his Twitter: "You lost in 1865 and in 1945. We will replace you." Oh yeah? Well guess what. You will replace us with your sweat-stink. Now go back to the designated shitting street, Jeet.

Fuck Poos. Brown bastards.

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Im just waiting an aussie or canada flag larping as a white dude saying that indians are actually ok and not like muslims lol

How could you not trust that face?

nice mustache

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I'm an American born poo and I agree. It's a form of espionage for them to have personal information about you or at least request them. They need to be captured and sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Well just cope, there may be a million useless dumb poos, but some indians like me are enough to make low iq retarded mutts seethe. You are below me in every significant aspect of life. Just having pride in a zionist occupied nation will not help, its decaying while your proud of your ancestors efforts. America wont ever be great again if you dont take up arms to preserve it. Focus on yourself. Your hate wont make any one change their perspective here. You are a worthless , useless asshole. deal with scammers yourself.

We need a massive phone/bot farm that calls every phone number in India 3600 times per hour, once every second. Just jam up all their lines, for days on end. And refuse to lift it until this shit stops.

I hope China rolls right in and crushes your precious Kashmir. Now go make some more samosas with your filthy shit-covered fingers Pajeet.

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And also daily ddos attacks on any office that hosts these scammers. If they have ddos protection, then ddos their neighbors with a message displaying the location of the scam center, and a warning that the ddos will continue until they are put out of business.

Jim Browning has done decent, targeted work against these scam call centers but it's nowhere near enough in scope solve the problem. We need about 10,000 Jim Brownings operating on a daily basis.

The irony is, i am a kashmiri hindu. Paler than most spaniards and portuguese. Dad was already kicked by my mudslime brothers for being a hindu. But ok let china take my homeland, never felt warm their anyways.
the nouns for family , the numbers ,sound so similar to english
ur hating your far of cousins at this point.
hate niggers, jews and semites. even arabs and mongolians. when did we tried to fight with you?. the indians invading your land need to be killed. cleansing your nation from exploiting dravidian lower caste southies is your duty not mine

Yup, we need buildings of people doing this full time and getting paid. I think it should also inconvenience regular Indians too, so they get a taste of what we have to deal with every day and are incentivized to make it stop. Like clogging up their phone lines all day with messages like "there is a scam call center in your city located at Street #, building #. These messages will continue until this call center is closed."
Otherwise these scammers will just consider it a cost of doing business and keep relocating.

wow dude, you really hate my people so much huh?
--niggers stomp whites to death and commit massive amounts of crime
--arabs, nafris, and other sandniggers groom your kids, rape your women, hate dogs, mock and insult customs, mock Christianity, and destroy Europe's culture by creating no go sharia law zones
--chinks entrap small white Euro nations in debt traps, buying up property in the West en masse, sell secrets to China, and have a real inferiority complex and jealousy for the white man
I think you got bigger problems to worry about than hating on us pajeets. Whatever practices we do that you don't like, we do it inside our country

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all these are muslim fucks. there will need to be a mudslime genocide sometime in the future

People in those call centres should be whacked. You could probably pay one pajeet to kill another for a 100 Euros. If people like Jim Browning got the details of people working in scam call centres and had a few killed then it would soon stop.

> my people
so "your people" are scammers?
> Whatever practices we do that you don't like, we do it inside our country
They scam people in our country, like old ladies and retarded people. The country you're in right now.

Actually a good idea. Sometimes the best way to beat a pain in the ass is to be an even bigger pain in the ass.

We don't care what religion your criminals are, they could be christians and it wouldn't matter because they are scamming old ladies in OUR country. If Indian police won't do anything about it, we will.
And it's funny how you call it "hate" when all I'm saying is we should do the same thing back to India that they are doing to us every single day. But you think I shouldn't worry about it, but you're worrying about Indians getting a taste of their own medicine.
Maybe it's your people that are hateful?

>The irony is, i am a kashmiri hindu. Paler than most spaniards and portuguese

Lmao. Doubt

poojeetz are inherently inferior subhuman scum that requires mass extermination

you called it kek

Nigger, stop grovelling for their approval. Fuck them (not literally).

Anyone who falls for any kind of scam is basically paying a stupidity tax