How difficult is homeschooling?

I can't afford to put my kids in private school, and the public school system has reached the point of no return. How difficult is it to homeschool kids? I have some flexibility in my schedule, but I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. Alternatively, are there any regions of the country where gender and racial ideology are not being promoted?

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Bump, would like to know

Then I suggest that you get to advocating for your children by attending school board meetings, hounding principals to fire certain teachers, undermining groomer teachers by spreading their fb posts in the form of memes online, etc.

You've got a lot of work to do friend. Nah, you're right, go back to being a fat, lazy, boomer who sits around with a thumb up your ass and complains about the universe being unfair.


Not hard until high school years because the state breathes down your neck.

gather other parents, pool resources, and start a school for your kids with teachers that actually teach them shit they need to know?

Yeah, it's a bit too late for that where I live. I am outnumbered and outgunned in the fight, and it makes no sense to oppose people who want this to happen. This is what my community wants for its children. The most rational options are to homeschool or relocate to an area focused primarily on core academics.

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There are websites where it's all self-guided and it tracks their progress for what your state may need in terms of reporting. Good luck bro, your kid(s) will thank you for it

Yes, that's what I would like to do. I live in an increasingly progressive region of the country, though. It's becoming very difficult to find like-minded parents around us. We are considering relocating, but this is a terrible time to buy a house, so that probably won't happen for at least another year.

ronpaulhomeschool dot com

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All you have to do is teach your kids basic things and how to pass mandatory tests, and they will still be smarter than 90% of public school kids

We homeschool
Setting up a routine and getting them used to learning at home. When we started we did just the basics. Counting writing drawing etc. as years advanced we added 1hr “class”. Once the kid can write and memorized multiplication it was smooth sailing. We have 1hr “class” for math English history science and our kids chose the last subject. We can do science experiment practice typing drawing piano shit like that. We don’t do summer breaks. We spend nice days outside and crummy days doing homeschool. We are about 1yr ahead of what kids same age are doing. We also don’t hide our kids from public school BS. We teach them about it and think about it critically. They can see propaganda at such a young age.

This but it doesn’t start til 6th grade

It's rather easy, there's tons of online resources and communities where you can work with other parents and meet up and get more resources, let your kids have fun and make friends, etc. Search your local area for homeschooling stuff, other parents, etc.

Never met a home schooled kid who wasn't a socially stunted weirdo.

I love how you people act like that's a choice and not a direct result of your cowardice. Now your life just got harder cause you have figure out schooling for your kid. Keep running away, pussies. It's going great. Just hand it all over.

Thanks, user. That is very encouraging to hear. Our kids are currently in a language immersion program with teachers that shield them from the worst of the BS. Unfortunately, the administration is hellbent on exposing them to the most radical and outlandish ideologies in existence rather than ensuring they are prepared to be functional citizens. There are a lot of resources available online, but I am mostly concerned about the practicalities of daily life in a homeschooling arrangement.

>how difficult is homeschooling
very, unless your kids are self-starters it will be a full time job

This as well. Their children are just one more thing these pussies are willing to give up. You're supposed to stand up to your enemies, not hide like a fucking wuss.

In the past, homeschooling was utilized primarily by religious zealots, so that's understandable. Over the past couple of decades, a large part of society has gone off the rails for multiple reasons including a loss of social cohesion and the rise of radical ideologies. As a result, more moderate people are interested in schooling their children outside of the official channels. Collectively, we are on a downward spiral that will only correct after a crash that does untold damage. Some of us would like to avoid as much of the carnage as possible.

5yr old gender fluid kindergartners
>Totally normal
Homeschooled kid

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>exposing them to the most radical and outlandish ideologies in existence
You have to teach them about that too because they’ll hear it from their friends. Beat thing to do is red pill them.
For example
Green agenda
>we don’t conserve energy because we want to go green. We conserve energy because we have to PAY for it
>CO2 isn’t toxic. Plant need them to grow and it’s part of carbon cycle
>ocean isn’t rising look at pic from 100yr ago and now
We don’t get into details but
>yeah that’s a boy with a make up. That’s his right but we also have the right to laugh at it

Website says K-12, with 98% self taught after grade 3.

Did I imply anything of the sort? Touched a nerve, huh, homie? Fuckin weirdo!

When I looked into it 6th grade on you have to pay. Before that math is math spelling is spelling. I don’t think Ron Paul stuff is any different than teachers section in office max. We’re doing 4th grade stuff now. Will consider Ron Paul institute for middle school and beyond

>5yr old gender fluid kindergartners
Retarded freaks.
>Homeschooled kid
Also a retarded freak but in a different way.

>Fuckin weirdo!
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