Who hijacked DDees.com?

When you visit DDees.com now, it says (updated: 17 June 2022) and you'll be met by a statement that focus a lot on how his art is so ''antisemitic'' give you links to ADL and even promoting different trading apps.

None of his art is on the site, there's 2 pictures that says represent DD's art that doesn't even looks like his works.

I think this was done on purpose to discredit his art, making ''Normies'' who comes across his art online and decides to visit his website laugh it off as some tinfoil hat idiot.

Who do you think is behind this Any Forums?

Attached: Dees-Easter.jpg (612x792, 132.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Call every jew a (((Shpinoza))) Just the accusation of being shpinoza will remove them from going to heaven.

Post more pics I'll start a folder in his honor

A Heretic, Epicurus
The name for a heretic in judaism is just the name of the philosopher.

You mean this dude? what about him?

Attached: spinoza.jpg (502x772, 74.43K)

Do a search and you'll find a ton, i dont have any on this device rn.

Attached: ddeesart.jpg (1848x926, 665.41K)

He had a death warrant on him by his jewish community and the dutch authorities shielded him


Lol t b h.

>Who do you think is behind this Any Forums?
You know damn well (((who))) is behind it.
They probably waited until the very second that his domain name expired in order to snatch it up in their filthy, blood-stained shekel-clutchers.

I'm surprised his artwork doesn't get posted here more frequently because he's absolutely based and doesn't shy away from the JQ.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_075854707.png (1125x1387, 2.12M)

>eat your goyslop, slave

Attached: image_2022-08-03_080214061.png (433x433, 387.32K)

>sucking off russia and putin
he's an idiot, just like you. russia isn't a christian, their church is literally controlled by the fsb

Choke to death on a gallon of rancid nigger semen, you kike faggot.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_080418566.png (613x791, 938.13K)

Who makes these memes? Someone put a lot of work into them, and yet they lack humor.
Anyone else find this odd?

Well this is embarrassing. If I only would have read a little further I would have gotten my answer.

David dees nuts

I think they're hilarious.
Totally surreal and over-the-top.
Kind of like if Ben Garrison only used Photoshop.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_080756525.png (545x485, 400.33K)

you're an npc

They're over-the-top to point of invoking Poe's law. Is this the man's honest beliefs or is he mocking the people who believe it?

Get your fifth booster, faggot.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_081126988.png (1030x1721, 2.18M)

russia is the one largely responsible for inventing many myths of the holocaust and is the country that will actually throw you in prison for denying it or questioning it

how do you reconcile this fact, npc?

>inb4 but what about germany
merkel was an east german stasi agent with soviet loyalties and so are many people in the german government today

you are the biggest shabbos goy on this board for defending that kiked out country known as russia

Attached: 1611440917326.jpg (333x473, 30.21K)

>Is this the man's honest beliefs or is he mocking the people who believe it?
It seems that he believes these things, but presents them in a sarcastic way.
The paranoid over-the-top presentation is a good way to spread the underlying message.
The dangers of Monsanto poisons and big pharma vaccines, for example.
Or the zionist control of the Western political system.
Or the sloppy fat obliviousness of the general public.
He's not wrong about most of this stuff.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_081424452.png (1082x810, 1.27M)

I didn't Photoshop the image, you over-zealous retard.
We're just posting David Dees artwork here.
Fuck off already.

Attached: image_2022-08-03_081818800.png (1389x1080, 2.37M)

Someone made an interview with him before he passed

Here's a archive of his works:

you're defending it though and hand waving russian subversion of the west. the state of the west is literally because of bolsheviks from china and they still continue to push this garbage on us

Didn’t know he passed. :(

he was one of the pre-pandemic "suicides"