Have any of you been there, and if so what was your experience like? Are the people and politics there better compared to your home city?

Attached: Red-Light-District-Tour.png (1000x838, 1.53M)

Everyone was wanking all the time :(

Capital of degeneracy. Avoid.

I was there twice.
My experience was dude weed lmao and shrooms. We spent every day walking almost everywhere. Legit 5 hours of walking almost every day minimum. Was nice overall but lots of degeneracy.

Netherland girls are cute

i've been.

girls are actually how they're represented in movies. they're actually probably 6s and 7s, the occassional 8.

nothing like the US where the whores are all 3s and 4s

>We spent every day wanking almost everywhere. Legit 5 hours of wanking almost every day minimum. Was nice overall but lots of degeneracy.

>Have any of you been there
lived there most my life, still live in the area

>and if so what was your experience like?
was once and could be again a nice city, if we got rid of immigrants, tourists and commies.

Rub it out, coomer. You aren't thinking straight.

Amsterdam literally one of the world's first global cities
>immigrants, tourists

Why are the dutch like this?

you are not entitled to our glory, faggot

it's a tourist trap, wouldn't want to live in amsterdam

Might as well call it Little Chicago. If you want to see proper Dutch cities go to the Hague (political capital) or Utrecht.
Amsterdam is just another dime a dozen globohomo city. Only good entertainment is watching Brits drown themselves in the canals.

He's right though. With Hughenots, reformed germans and jews, Amsterdam really was one of the first globohomo cities. Which both explains it's economical success, but also its historically degenerate state.

i was going to go there next month, but they want me to have a booster shot?
you niggers still pretending this shit isn't a flu?

>Hughenots, reformed germans
fellow western europeans that assimilated and contributed

leeches that did nothing for us, i'm glad the germans took care of them for us

Netherlands requires shots? Does it have to be the most updated whatever shot or not? I already got covid'd and then got the shots for it.

That's fair, global is not the right term, a better term would be international/multinational. It's not like there were africans and middle-easterners living there.

Im pretty sure the Huguenots were French

After college in 95, I backpacked across Europe and hit 15 different countries. I was with a buddy and we started in England, and then started our tour by visiting Amsterdam and stocking up on supplies.
1) Hostels suck
2) The tourists there suck, but people were nice
3) The red light district had mohammeds constantly trying to sell us drugs
4) The women working in the red light district were a cut above most good strip clubs. They looked like models, but you could pay to fuck them if you wanted female attention. I did not.
5) it was a good city to wander around, but it was too touristy to stick around more than a day or so.

6/10, I enjoyed Slovakia, Germany, Scotland, and Span more.

That is true, I mentioned two distinct groups. French and Germans who had to flee their respective countries to avoid religious persecution.

No worse than places like London and generally better demographically.
Drugs might be legal but its not like they use drugs anymore than the degenerates in every other city in Western Europe

ah my mistake

I ate a shitloads of mushrooms and wandered the streets at night. It was wild.