Turns out vaxx shedding is real

First, these scientists from the University of Colorado looked at face masks, worn by vaccinated health care workers. They found that those workers shed antibodies generated by vaccination, and some antibodies got trapped in the masks and could be detected. This means that vaccinated people are literally “shedding” vaccine-caused antibodies.

Interested in that, scientists looked further: they compared unvaccinated children living with unvaccinated parents, to similarly unvaccinated children, but living with vaccinated parents.

It turned out that vaxxed parents actively shed vaccine-produced particles onto their children so that the kids acquired “humoral immunity” following shedding from their parents!


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Is this good or bad for the unvaccinated?

Yes, but are the children's bodies producing spike proteins or just acquiring these shit, temporary anti-bodies?
The vaxxed would have to shed lipid nanoparticles in order for this to matter.

>May 2

Bad, these lab test specimens have a chance of spreading to pure bloods

Link to the articel


I have a feeling this is just temp, otherwised we would’ve threads of purebloods feeling the same symptoms as vaxxed. At least someone would reported shitty heart problem

> Shedding causes headache and menstrual issues.
> Measure shedding through immunity against Covid.

Shedding is real but has nothing to do with Covid. I had massage from vaxed masseuse and they caused me severe headache. Never before the vax always after the vax. Case closed shedding exists. The only question is what the hell it is?

>vaxxed parents actively shed vaccine-produced particles onto their children so that the kids acquired “humoral immunity” following shedding from their parents
Ironically the vaxxed themselves are not thought to get humoral immunity since the spike mRNA bypasses the lungs via injection

U need to go back there has been threads. (((You))) just haven't been paying attention.

This is bad. Worse is if they are shedding graphene oxide.

Another day, another 80 IQ antivax retard who doesn't understand the scientific papers he refers to. Still believes in the shedding meme, because the Church of Antivax told him to, and his masters word is absolute.

vaxi vaxi you gona die from the vax :D

When? In two more weeks?

No lipid nanoparticles.
Not in the blood stream.
No reverse transcriptase.
It is probably like the countless inflammatory particules that already exists.

This. It's not good and it could even make you sick, but it's not anywhere near as dangerous, nor permanent, as the vaxx itself.

>takes DNA editing drug
>doesn't know the body takes years to express genes

not gonna take it at all

>he thinks mRNA vaccines edit your DNA
Why is every antivaxxer a scientifically illiterate low IQ retard who believes everything he sees on his mom's Q boomer facebook feed?

I was there u fucking nigger, but I’ve yet to read any thread where purebloods feeling as bad as vaxxies. Usually the recovered pretty quick

imagine being this fucking brainwashed. post nose you jidf kike, and get rid of that illegitimate flag.

Is this saying kids pickup antibodies from non-vaxxed?

Woah, look at all the PROJECTING.

Stay mad fuckface.

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