How do we combat hoeflation?

What is hoeflation I hear you asking;
>price to obtain a female goes up
>male standards go down
>getting uglier females as time goes by ceteris paribus

If we don't do something you will soon need to look like Brad Pitt to get with a girl that looks like Susan Boyle

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Be high value


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thats a good thing

you combat hoeflation by crashing the economy with zero survivors, forcing bitches to find a stable man in order to eek out a chance of survival.

Ironically the way to accelerate this is to appear interested in women, thereby inflating the cost of hoes. Maybe we can break a few pypig wallets.

>If we don't do something
Any ideas fellas?

Those two chaps look like they're about the same in terms of attractiveness
Also, look at that chink fucker in the background, what's with the center of Athens and being filled with gooks?

This isn't a problem, low quality males don't deserve a chance at reproduction. It's just an aspect of the great filter.

Unless the government starts to enact communist policies.

im in my late 20s. I work with a bunch of college age females. I don't give them the time of day. As a result of this they all desperately want my attention.

nuclear fucking war

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Twinks and traps. By being interested in men, you double the supply of hos, thereby halving their value.

true. however the one thing communist policies never take into account is interpersonal magnetism. The only way they can combat that is to force you into work camps or kill you.

This preserves the golddiggers user. The women did not stop at equality between the sexes, instead they double downed and demanded better men, men from other countries, imported masses of imagined chads only so they could turn their nose up and jerk off to the idea than she was 1/million. Why should we stop at a simple "oh whores will have to choose a stable man like me" bullshit. Don't you want to have some power over who you end up with? Isn't the man supposed to choose a women?

Expecting a women to choose you is gay eusocial bugshit.

>not simping and just improving yourself
yes. i met my wife doing this. all my friends were worried about having a girlfriend, quantity over quality. i have a housewife that raises the children and says nigger, kike, faggot, etc. be something worthy of admiration and the women will follow.

Happy to die saying hoes dont get shit from me.

I have a better chance finding a good wife in a communist concentration camp than in the modern world, count me in comrade.

What's this though?

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Idk im a pretty average slob and I have always landed 8/10 girls. Its all about how you carry yourself. My personality is interesting as shit because of schizophrenia but I have partied for the last 15 years and that shaped me a bit to be geared towards any interactions. Tall and white and I do whatever I want if I feel like it. Frumpy women get no attention from me and I usually dont get attention from them. My value is kind of dogshit and attractive women still take care of me.

I don't have that problem. I choose who I give my attention to. And no. you get the pick of the lot if you have a stable life and live as a man should, if the economy collapses.
Gold-diggers are preserved, yes, but they were always using a survival instinct, just like they do when they choose "Chad".
The truth of the matter is roving rape gangs are the true answer, but everyone thinks that is nigger shit, when the reality is that it was quite literally the way to keep hoes in check for millennia.

fuckingt white trash copualting all over the place spreading your fucking diseases


fucking white subhuman

Shalom rabi did you find your foreskin yet?

these children are fucking filthy and are making me ill looking at them

By building a rape dungeon under your house, adbucting women that fit all of your standards and forcing yourself into them.
No need to be a chad, to be handsome, muscular, tall, to have game, to be rich, to be educated, whatever.

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Spotted the jew.

Look at how big it’s nose is!

free market is self regulated, and this whole male class consciousness of "what WE gonna do " is a beta thing

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Ban makeup.
Ban cosmetic surgery.
Ban birth control.

That's a flashback. They are in a mall outside of a Hollister. I remember their CEO got in hot water for saying they did not want to carry sizes larger than 12 because fatties are bad for their image and they did not want them fatting up their stores. Kek. Better times...

Yo same user, not fit but I've managed to bag a few hotties. Being funny having good stories being good at an instrument and doing drugs all help a lot

Sex outside of marriage is a serious sin called fornication. Fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God, instead they will go to the lake of fire and burn forever. Now that you have been warned and notified, your condemnation in the lake of fire will be worse after judgement-day because you have now been given the knowledge that it's a sin.

For people with an intellect, look into statistics regarding single mother households and see how destructive a non-married, no father household is, and recognize the enormous societal destruction. Also look into the statistics of divorce from 1900 to 2020.

There are holy laws, and if you keep them you will be blessed, and if your entire nation keeps them the whole land will be blessed. But if too many people break it, the land will become violent, degenerate and cursed.

God created the mans genitals to seed a womans womb, which produces a new human life with a soul, which is a miracle from God. Mankind wants to circumvent God's order, for base hedonistic pleasure in sins and thus invents birth control pills which poisons the womens body, and the water supply that we drink, leading to massive amount of fornicators. Women who had multiple partners have ruined their serotonin receptors and pairbonding, they are now broken and no longer fit to be a mans wife and mother.

So to keep it simple: All sex outside of marriage is degenerate, and you are going to hell alongside homosexuals, trannies and jews if you do it.

For the real Golden Standard, see Matthew 5:28-30 and practice it daily to become an ubermench, rising above 95% of mankind who are now perverts and low hedonistic subhumans.

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