Kari Lake is going to win

Space Force guy was right

Attached: screenshot-www.nytimes.com-2022.08.03-02_50_19.png (1238x485, 63.33K)

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Still about 200k-ish votes up for grabs, but Lake is winning literally everywhere else outside of the Phoenix area. I'm waiting for the 5am influx of 50k votes to Robson and for them to magically call it there and then.

ABC news stopped counting 3 hours ago so you may be onto something

Voting is consenting to be governed.
I do not consent.

I am the living man.

They're getting ready for that late night ballot drop, Uncle Joe style, to knock her out of the race. Can't be peeping under the curtain of the election secrets.

maybe Q was right
maybe 2020+ is safe

Attached: 1659520528682876.png (603x452, 457.51K)

Imagine celebrating a woman.

She ain't bad for a women. Saw her talk candidly on Tim's podcast, she speaks very well and seems to know what needs to happen. She also knows how to shut down the corporate media.


Why do leftists always dominate in the cities?
Is it there the easiest to cheat cause in rural regions everyone knows everyone else?

she's a fucking grifter who knows what people want to hear, just like trump
she's going to get elected and things in arizona are going to get fucking worse
please for the love of god see through your rose tinted glasses

You‘re a nation of obese faggots and cowards.
That woman is still the best shot you got. Or do you think sellout traitors like Pence, Raffensberger or Graham will ever fix your corrupt failed state?
It‘s not pretty but it is as it is.

> grifter who knows what people want to hear, just like trump

Lmao this is your average american cattle. Too stupid to discern butter from gold. No wonder that country is going to hell.

population density breeds liberal politics for some reason, it's true the world over

post wall women are capable of being useful
it's only when they're still capable of bearing children and thus being showered with attention that they are totally fucking useless

After 40 they're basically like 18 year old men, i.e. zero attention, zero social value, totally disposable and they can build themselves up into being useful.

Dr. Judy Wood is always based and she's a post-wall woman.

get the fuck off our board you fucking bunkertranny

its a lefty i.e. not human

When’s the AZ meet up again?

Are you a woman?

You weren’t one of those faggots on twitter gloating that she was gonna lose, are you? lmao oh no no no no no

and yes its a lefty which are like women but not people

They will stop the count at 99%

Imagine being a terminally-online loser faggot.

MAGA til the day I die

Attached: Dark Maga Ultra Maga.jpg (937x1048, 178.55K)

gap has increased from 9,516 to 10,670

Attached: screenshot-www.nytimes.com-2022.08.03-03_59_02.png (1145x438, 63.32K)