Why are Europeans so insecure?

Why are Europeans so insecure?

Attached: Eurocuck.png (647x1031, 350.41K)

>Europeans live rent free in his head to the point he feels the need to post this

american culture is centered around niggers
european culture is centered around faggots

decades of white guilt

White people are faggots and should die

They're a collection of vassal states, you shouldn't really think about their opinions at all.

They aren't white, most of the euro flags are here are shitskins

>gayrope bad
>russia strong
>move to russia
>get banan

Attached: russaryan.jpg (302x334, 17.72K)

Because they're European

>Why are Europeans so insecure?
happens when you have tranny bases all over the place

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>Why are Europeans so insecure?
>makes a thread seething about yuros out of the blue
lack of introspection much, MUTT?



Attached: 1800lemonparty.png (1080x1922, 903.94K)

I mean they're literally our vassals, but they pretend otherwise

Imagine being a literal bitch to a nigger loving country.

Gay sex will be protected at all costs
>t. US globohomo empire

Attached: Globohomo die for Taiwan.jpg (828x696, 49.26K)


How is hating US government insecure though?

Yeah, Dutch people are very insecure and not at all direct and loud.
We also don't think we're superior at all, especially not people from Amsterdam.
We are very polite and modest in fact.

Europeans get so butthurt easily. Lmfao.

>turned into vassal states and have your culture colonized by one of your former colonies
No surprise that we are salty as fuck around here.

very, VERY low test. like american women are literally more masculine at this point. I'm afraid to imagine what do these people eat

The thing you need to realize is that Europeans see the internet in general as their "window to America". Any time they get on their computer and open their web browser it's with the thought of "let's see what Americans are up to today". This is why they always assume everyone they talk to online is American and respond to everything they see on the internet with "do Americans really?". However in their personal lives when they talk to their family and run errands and go to work they don't really think about Americans much.

Kill yourself VPN rusnigger.

Now that's no way to speak about you lord and master, Boguslav.

Because a huge part of Europe is a communist shithole, and the US is superior, at least the pre-nigger version where the american dream and the 10 amendments were a thing. Also if you've noticed a lot of yuros are literal bikecucks because they live in aparments and have no parking or a garage, plus they're spineless and will let their government restrict their freedoms on the matter as much as possible. Imagine unironically defending riding a bike in the rain or sharing public transport with niggers, instead of having the freedom to drive your own car. Jealousy.


This, imagine going to the grocery store or to work or whatever and thinking about americans, this never happens