Why do they hate Russia so much?

Why do they hate Russia so much?

They're basically Russians with an accent, why do they larp as non-Russians? It's fucking retarded.

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to promote as much murder of white people as humanly possible

They worship satan and zog.

Are you implying self-hate is not a thing?
Both are fucking god-awful backwards corrupt shitholes. Of course they hate each other. They see a reflection in each other. You don't really bond with people about both of you being awful, do you?
Also, the whole thing about Eastern shitholes coping with their shittiness by eternally blaming the USSR and Russia for it

Russia does not allow gay marriage unfortunately

Gee I wonder maybe it's something to do with them killing tens of thousands of them, turning their cities to rubble and previously trying to install a kremlin puppet. Russia has no respect for Ukraine so why should they show any back

>russia invades them because some peckerwood in kremlin wanted to distract the serfs from seeing the crumbling economy

It’s politics, you wouldn’t understand.

Yeah neither do they nigger

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>They're basically Russians with an accent, why do they larp as non-Russians? It's fucking retarded.
they want to be like you, mehmet hansberg

Clownworld is fucked up anit it, so basically our homosexual neo libs all think its legit in Ukraine, when the actual nazis won't allow it. Top fucking kek cabal.

>Why do they hate Russia so much?
>They're basically Russians with an accent, why do they larp as non-Russians? It's fucking retarded.

i really hate it when they say they are 'defending Europe' and we should all be grateful and send them more money

And to answer your question, Ukraine is russia the original russia. This is a slavic civil war.

There should be no such thing as a Russia.

>Why do they hate Russia so much?
Do they even do so? Most of the time this hatred is exclusively on the level of the ruling class and the rest of them couldn't give much of a shit.

poor form hans I'd expect that from a muttmerican

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i wonder who could have an interest in war

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>Why do they hate Russia so much?
how can you not hate russians.
they are a combination of all the disgusting things
>lies like jews
>dindunuffin like niggers
>look like mongrels

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Freedom of speech is restricted in Russia, that's one thing I suppose. I'd probably be fighting them if I lived over there as well.

Because globohomo > gulaghomo

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Not how you should use that meme template retarded finnigger subhuman newfag

Because they fell for US gibs and “ukraine is europe” meme only to become the poorest country in the region. Even Moldova had better economy by the end of 2021.

That's old news

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