It's just a conspiracy theory goy! There is no satanic pedo agenda against humanity! The UN and EU protect children's rights!
The report published by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) addresses how government policy can be used to protect children from harmful, abusive and violent content online. Its conclusion is based on a European study of 19 EU countries that found in most countries, most children who saw pornographic images were “neither upset nor happy.” In fact, the report UNICEF relies on says 39 percent of Spanish children were happy after seeing pornography.

The 2020 EU Kids Online Study concluded that some children and young people “intentionally seek out sexual content” for a variety of reasons and that seeing sexual images “might also represent an opportunity” to provide answers to questions about puberty and sexual identity. The study encouraged “seeing the nuances” which lead children to seek out and view sexual content online.

UNICEF says any efforts to block children from accessing pornography online might infringe on their human rights. UNICEF bases this claim on an expansive interpretation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

UNICEF also claims that asking for age-verification to access pornography online may deny children access to what it calls “vital sexuality education.” It should be noted that critics charge “comprehensive sexuality education” is pornographic and harmful to children.

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Who wakes up one day and just goes, "man, I sure would like to show porn to children and see how they feel about it."
Science was a mistake.

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The people running the show ever since the transhumanist global hegemony started

I was in your country last week, nigga wtf so many interracial couples and arabs... even more than here

Steiner did not attack, user.

I can't get upset about this
I remember watching nature shows as a kid
You know, lions fuckiing
Monkeys fucking
Dogs fucking
Birds fucking
Horses fucking
The only animal they wouldn't show fucking to kids was the human animal
I wondered how humans fuck, but they would never show it

debunked, chuds

Attached: debunked.png (1130x657, 74.1K)

Remember in the 90s and early 2000s when UNICEF used to extort children with commercials on Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network? They would basically just show pictures o kids digging through trash and be like, 'He's only seven. He's your age! This Halloween, instead of trick or treating order your UNICEF box to go door to door and emotionally manipulate your neighbors into giving you money! Then, send us the box so we can feed little Swamiraja."

Holy shit, I looked it up and it's still a thing.

>In the 1990s, it came to light in the Netherlands that racist content from the work of Rudolf Steiner was offered as subject matter in the lessons of Race and Ethnology in Waldorf education.
From kikepedia, damn I was born to late.

but somehow the reverse harmful to adults?

I got exposed at 6 years old and regret not being so innocent. I'm not a degenerate and haven't masturbated in 6 months now.

These "rulers" want our children to be porn addicted monsters

globohomo is full of pedos nothing surprising there

I meant Felix Steiner.
But that works too.

>porn not harmful to children
Good. Let's start showing it to muslim children and see how that goes down.

Unicef, they exchange medicine and food for sexual favors while driving their luxurious SUVs through third world countries.

Someone post the research on the amount of orgasms a child can have, willingly or forced.

Fuck this gay earth

This, the normies won't wake up. I will just establish myself to be self sufficient.

Same shit happend in Norway, a black metal musician, Varg Vikernes, when he was in high-school he was asked to collect money for starving niglets in his class room as a project, he didn't and after that his band released the song Skin and bones talking about the starving nigroes children:

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You know, shooting at people isn't always harmful.

Obviously biggest CIA run childpornography puppet corporation would want the kids to watch the porn as well as make it.

Holly fucking shit...
We need a hammer to fix this society because is bended, a strong hammer hitting with violence a hell of violence

It's been proven time and time again that birdshot is non lethal....

Jesus christ

Weak bait.
THAT S IT!!!!!!!!

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Holy pilpul...

Except that one time when Dick Cheney murdered Harry Whittington

>UNICEF says any efforts to block children from accessing pornography online might infringe on their human rights

if you werent dense you would agree with them
its based on "child protection" that KYC has spread to social networks

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