It's been a year Any Forums

And the vaxx still hasn't killed me. No anaphylaxis, no blood clots and no myocarditis. How many more 2 weeks till it kills me? Surely you guys aren't wrong like you were with Q or Russia conquering Ukraine before Easter. Not this time, right?

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I don't drink and I just forgot to turn off the memeflag after trolling in another thread. But yeah I feel fine, so I think you should probably get the vaxx too.

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Okay but how many days I have left?

Any Forums is filled with retards, the vax is just saline. I think one of them did harm people however, was it pfizer? I can't remember

I got the Pfizer and I feel fine. How would it harm if it's just saline?

Make sure to remain up to date on your vaccinations. Get your booster.

Doreen didn't say that

got Moderna in April last year, felt nothing at all, no symptoms.
I wanted to die wtf anons.

>And the vaxx still hasn't killed me.
Hopefully something else does it then.

I'm starting to thinks anons aren't as reliable as they seem

no booster, just the 2 shots

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Me too

I am an alcoholic and I will continue the beatings until morale improves.

if only they went outside more often

seems to me the vaccines are 90% placebo

Its funny that a different person has to keep making this same thread

Damn 36 more weeks? that's 9 months. Surely the jews would have found a more efficient way of killing us all

Just 336 hours!

But user 6E/tL4+v said 36 weeks. You're confusing me anons...

>no boosters, just 2 shots
then you got lucky. still, 20k+ recorded deaths directly tied to the mRNA vaccines (VAERS) is a huge deal. Especially when 50 deaths is the standard for any other vaccine to be recalled.

it's been two years and covid hasn't killed me
was it really necessary to walk over essential civil rights and destroy the economy for something with a 0.00001% mortality rate amongst healthy people?
if so, why aren't we cancelling cars, which kill several orders of magnitude more people?
why aren't we taking a look at fastfood, for the same reason?
drugs in general?
the opiods epidemic in burgerland?

>got Moderna in April last year,
>no booster, just the 2 shots
You are dangerously behind on your boosters. Go get two to catch up, and make sure to get more every 6-9 months from now on. They literally keep you from dying. It's health juice.

Depends on when the VAED hits. You did read the risk management plan for your vaxx of choice right?
It could be this winter, it could be years from now, who knows? I don't really care, everyone who took the vaccine deserves it.

when I went, they had a line specifically for Pfizer and Moderna. Don't know what the basis was to get the different vaccines but I noticed the Pfizer line was full of old people inside the hospital while Moderna was being done outside in a tent.

>spams this grossly overused meme
>And the vaxx still hasn't killed me
Very unfortunate for us. I guess we're gonna see this shit 100 more times before Friday?

Still not taking it

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Yeah I think covid shills are also pretty cringe. My entire family except for me (lol) got it and they're fine. But every other thread is about how all vaxxies will drop dead in two more weeks, and it's been like that for the past few months. I'm still waiting and wondering how much longer it will take.

Don't forget to get your booster Faggot.

its been a year And the flu still hasn't killed me

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No I didn't because I don't really care as long as I feel fine, which I do.

Still posting this meaningless garbage, as your bum chums faces display the vax pox they so richly deserve and your myocarditis heart swells up and you await the inevitable next part if your never ending genetic manipulation?
There are 50 threads a day you are ignoring but you are mentally ill so it’s best you just fuck off and do not post here or read anything from here.
>a year
A lying pedophile? You bring shame to the noble order of the nonce, idiot.
This OP is how mentally ill the shills here are.

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It's not the question, just look at the odds and numbers of vaccinated people and notice the present risk

>they’re fine.
No, actually they aren’t.

>vaxx hasn't killed me
You will do it yourself tranny

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Okay but how long will it take? It's a pretty simple question innit bruv

Get boosted I am never taking your clot shots, for convid or any future plandemic bioweapon. Thanks.

The thing is, the elderly are already dropping dead. Try to find so called "reinfection mortality rates" for vaccinated in your country, my bet is that they are hidden from public view now just as they are in Denmark. The reason for this is that the stats consistently showed that the vaccinated was worse off when they got COVID, this is an indication of enhanced disease (VAED/VAERD/ADE). This will only get more obvious as we go into flu season.

Have you taken your second booster, user?

>Let me tell you about your family
Classic anglo