What makes younger girls attend gym?

Ofc it's the cause of Instagram culture. cuz recently attending gym has been a trend, they show the pic that they work out at gym.

But girls tend to get uglier after attending gym. my take is cuz their fat gets shaved off and their wrinkles show up more obviously they look like getting aged as they attend gym more.
their attractiveness reduces by gym.
I am feeling sad seeing girls getting influenced by Instagram trend and they are getting less attractive day in day out.
you are in favor of girls attending gyms?

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They go to gyms to meet muscular chads like me
I’m Chinese-American and more muscular than vast majority of white “men”


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>I’m Chinese-American and more muscular than vast majority of white “men”
Kek are you chinks this insecure?

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Trying to ape men to boost their already astronomical smv. Zombified fanatics unaware of their own sex.

it is 100% a way to get social media famous which leads to sponsorships which leads to money
no other reason really
social media really is the downfall of human civilization

ok boomer

I make more money as an engineer than your entire family combined but at least you get to larp as a racist online


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there's 2 types of gym girls. Instagram thots, which are garbage tier, and ones that actually lift, which are god tier

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I'm a racist in real life too you slant eyed insectoid. Go eat a pangolin dick soup and stop shitting up the board.

yeah probably this
and i am really sad that they look like pefect gold digger mistress now
a few years ago i happened to find some hot chicks on Instagram
after one or 2 years later, their Instagram accounts are full of gym pics and they look less attractive now
personally girls attending gym are red flag. they will make you go bunkrupt as quickly as light speeds

user you've quickly come to second best poster for me only the arab beats you Godspeed

if they exsice moderately like running sometimes, it's great
especially your girls russian, i have seen many russian girls insta accounts
they dramatically change their appearances once they attend gym
believe me. it's remarkable. they become grandma by gym

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>gets scared
>”puh-puhlease go away”
You would be too intimidated by me when you see me IRL to think of racist thoughts. You will instinctively rush to open the door for me and call me sir

Western lifestyles are inherently unhealthy so people don't get much exercise so they go to the gym and develop unnatural bodies. I also prefer a natural looking woman, slim and fair skinned. A body built by eating healthy foods in modest quantities and lots of walking, stairs, cycling, and housework or farm work/gardening. Westerners feed their daughter Jewish food science trash and people have no opportunity for routine exercise because everyone drives and hides in Air conditioned boxes.

Cardio is great, it's when they start powerlifting it becomes a meme and they get man bodies.

sir, when did you have sex last time?

Maybe women really just need to walk hike and importantly swim and not eat stupid amounts of food and burn their skin

>no retort
>tries to change the subject

I don’t mind, ’cause they ain’t fat.

>But girls tend to get uglier after attending gym
lmao, no

>their attractiveness reduces by gym
Imagine not liking fit girls
Low T post, not surprising a nip wrote this


Fuck off, we are not interested with your she-bugs

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woman are not built for manual labour. hence the aging...
they are meant to be in labour, cooking, cleaning and tending to running a family.
incidentally, if they are at a gym, chances are they a promiscuous.... nothing ages a woman faster

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Not everyone wants a princess with a mustache, mario.

they live in a society. they want to beat up roasties.

im a jacked taiwanese boy what up?

right. their natural looking disappears as they start attending gym for some reason. i hate it.

so you are musclechad but don't look atractive. insecurity is still lingering on

Based Chinese bro

The only downside of sex is that the next morning when I pee, the stream shoots in all kinds of random directions, and successfully getting the pee to hit the center of the toilet bowl is like threading a needle.
Still worth it, though.

that happens even after you get drunk jerking off, finnish retard

i agree; women should not be working out. they should do light exersice after happily cooking and cleaning.

you are both incels with low testosterone. there is no woman that would prefer YOUR bodies. cope with that.

>American women aged 20 years and above weigh an average of 170.6 pounds (lbs)
A mustache is preferable to landwhales

>The only downside of sex is that the next morning when I pee
you've never had sex. you pee shortly after sex. dont lie on here.

I am not actually. I do excise at home. I am no thin copared with oters here. my favorite thing is chin-up at a park nearby my house. I will fuck u up as easily as eating breakfast faggot

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Its so you can spray a large area and mark you territory

It's a fad. Girls go to the gym and become more like men. Guys sit at home and get brainwashed by internet and video games to become trannies.

>Western lifestyles are inherently unhealthy so people don't get much exercise so they go to the gym and develop unnatural bodies
also noticed this

Itsuki hirota is my waifu