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I'd say its the other way around


you'd say it started with day 160?
sounds kinda retarded to me

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Literally the opposite.

I got fucked in the ass two hours ago.

>Russian invasion is doing so good at 160th day they lost three villages around Izum and let enemy secure bridgehead over inhulets after taking also three villages around it

i dont understand this meme

It’s that Russia seemed unstoppable to the point people thought Kiev would go down in 3 days. Instead, you have a long term war in Donbabwe and Russia getting ass blasted.

go back to plebbit gypsy

They have been securing "bridgehead over inhuletz" for like two months now, with the same results over and over again.

it took US 20 years to lose to goatherders

Good thing ukraine is winning on twitter and reddit, those are the most important fronts of the war

How many troops did US lose in 20 years? Look at current Russian losses in Ukraine.

You must be tired of using this line in every thread, yet still showing no proof that Russia is doing any better.

look at the maps

And even with such low quality, still winning decisively.

The one where Russia got buttblasted in Kiev? And has been stuck for the last 100 days with no progression?

I would get tired of using it if shills stopped getting mad after reading it.

>Look at current Russian losses in Ukraine
Source Ukrainian high command? Nah, I'll pass on that. Can't wait to hear what Ukrainian casualties are tho'

>stuck in village conquering limbo

It's being about a week and Russia couldn't take that back and that place only gets more secured every day

Cant make this shit up

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