I'm sure Ukrainians glad they're fighting and dying by the thousands for gay marriage in the Donbass

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we did it natobros

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Good, there is nothing wrong with it. Gay marriage is a human right.

I never supported the ukraine. The tv told me to, it was quite insistent, so that's how I knew I probably shouldn't support the ukraine. Good thing that I wasn't wrong.
No, I don't support Russia either, but jewkraine is so reddit, aids, and cringe.

based nazi guy... he is totally like us. I support ukies now. HH

I really hops that faggot gets skinned by a pack of niggers

>leave homophobia to Russia
I'm fine with that. Fags can move to Ukraine.

>"I died so my son can become a tranny"

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That’s one small step for Ukraine and one giant leap for globohomo

put yourself in a gay Ukrainian man’s shoes, who has to stay and fight Russia. it would make you feel a lot better if you felt like you had your country’s support

Did someone not tell vaush they can't get married in Ukraine and are often lynched.

When a smelly socialist blob supports NATO, you know the communist (liberals larping as socialists) takeover of the West is complete.

ukies are being raped by rus and we have this?

At least they're not speaking Russian

Just when you think Ukraine can't get any more embarrassing.

Attached: Ukraine_President.webm (960x720, 2.86M)

>gay Ukrainian man
>stay and fight
many such cases

Still preferable to living under Russian rule.

This little Jew is at war but still finds time to legalize Gay marriage! Wow powerful.

heck yeah, gay marriage and somalian refugees for everyone! take that putin

>I'm sure Ukrainians glad they're fighting and dying by the thousands for gay marriage in the Donbass

Well he is pretty populer among ukrainians

You faggets have an unhealthy obsession with homosexuals. Every got damn country that enacts gay rights isn't some big fucking deal unless you're obsessed with faggotry and homosexuals. Jewlensky gave faggets the right to get married, so the fuck what, how does this affect you?

You know what happens when you repress homosexuality, you get a bunch of repressed fagget rapist churkas, like the russian army.

Funny how gay marriage is illegal there but getting raped while trying to serve your country is considered a right of passage. You support that dont you fagget OP.

can someone give me a few links to research zelensky & panama papers? I need to look into this; the silence around it wether on pol or in mainstream media is making me uncomfortable

Niggers are awesome, don't you know?
Our tv tells us this every day. Niggers are awesome. We could literally import the entirety of the somalian population and it still would be awesome and better than living in Russia, because the tv tells us this is so.
Don't waste time with most finns, they are autistic npcs and deserve to be put six feet under.

I hope Ukrainians are happy knowing this is what they are fighting for.

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I've never wanted to see the red army annihilate something this much until now

The fags have already move to ukraine, they call themselves the russian army. Shouldnt you be getting raped by a churka right now so you can save the people of donbabwe?

Why? With good income you'll live very comfortable in Saint Petersburg.

Legalization os faggotry is first step to niggerification of country

Import me to NYC and I change my mind. Otherwise fuck off, I'm not interested in your opinion.

Repressed faggets on this board dont understand nuances. They just hate themselves for being faggets.

The tv told him that this is so.
No matter the HDI, no matter the diseased faggots, no matter the niggers. It's ALWAYS better than living in Russia as long as the tv tells this.

Just like ww1. kill all the fighting men and devastate the country with satanism

Remember what you're fighting for, Ukrainian man!

Like 90% of your force is a product of fagget rape. You're speaking from a donkey not a high horse ruslan.

that's the cope of neocon subhumans like you

Next step is to teach little Ukies how evil their ancestors were for pogroming Jews and importing 5 million niggers and sandniggers.

After that transformation to democracy is complete and there is nothing Putler can do about it.

Now this is what I call someone behind that post.

>y-you hate gays because you're gay too!
classic faggot cope, please go die of monkey pox

>in the middle of a war
>legalize homosex

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The worse it becomes for Ukraine, the more desperate they become. Fag marriage is nothing. Watch Zelensky legalize pedophilia and bestiality in the coming months.

I dont know what you're trying to say but okay sasha.

They don't fight for gay marriage, they fight for their country. Sadly they got 2 enemies.


Of course it is. Things change with their weighted variables against time. Midwits just abuse the slippery slope. They're greasy.

Until I'm imported to NYC. I see no reason to be anti my country where I live.

If you got some bitches on your dick like a healthy male, you wouldn't be obsessed with cock suckers and what they do to each other. The fact your brain came up with that train of thought just exposes how fucking dumb you are cause if you hated faggets you'd let them fuck each other and get monkey pox, but you dont understand that nuance, just like I said.

They evacuated the country and found out that's what they really needed to do.