There is no salvation

humanity is fucked forever because of microplastics.

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What is filtration.What is evaporation? What are centrifuges?

>implying life won't evolve to incorporate it

just make macroplastics to fuck the microplastics

Yeah keep seething while I drink my processed onions drink infused with microplastics. Mmmmm yum, gets me riled up for 8 hours of useless office work

Onions, onions beans

eat my flesh; drink my blood

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not my problem

Something will surely evolve to eat plastic, just like bacteria evolved in order to process cellulose.

my flesh is the real food and my blood is the real drink

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didn't a bacteria on a japanese golf course randomly gain the ability to eat plastic or some shit?

>Just filter every single single drop of water that enters the public water system down to a molecular level

Lmao, by the way the plastic particles have been ground down small enough that they now get caught up in evaporation and wind cycles to be brought back down in the rain as far away as Antarctica and the Sierra Nevada mountains. Have fun, it is now your problem.

Why are microplastics supossed to matter? Is plastic dirt different from other types of dirt?

Plastic is at this point in everything, the water, livestock, plants. It doesn't matter what you eat, you are ingesting plastic.

take, and eat of it; this is my body

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You die of natural causes before they affect your body enough. Buildup is too gradual. If particle count progresses some will die earlier but humans will adapt. Some algae will adapt to eat it just like the moss that eats radiation in chernobyl.

source: my ass

Nature finds a way


Don't worry everyone, I'm sure the world government will be able to resolve this new problem. Just make sure you get your kids on the new Johnson & Johnson Microplastic Vaccine Therapy to prevent the cancer.

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no bird ever died over some fucking oil lol, we will just adapt lol XD. Btw earth is totally not overpopulated

or as the japanese call it, micoruprasticu

I blame the niggers for this just look at Haïti