They're still salty


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lol none of that is due to sovereignty. What insatiable cucks.


should have just kept on giving gibs to lazy meds and slavniggers, huh

Can you give me tl;dr why Britain decided to exit?

>I used to buy the Guardian from a newsagent

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Imagine you live in a nice street with lots of nice neighbors so you decide to pull all your fences up to make a large space for your children to play. Then one of the resident, let's call him Germany, decides to invite one million rapists.
That should make anyone want their fences back.

You can safely ignore Guardian opinions, the are painfully lefty and still mad about Brexit.

so you now you have no neighbors and your country is still filled with rapists? genius

They aren't wrong though.

It was a scam for us from the start, but Britain was begging everyone for money after the war. They thought joining a single market would streamline trade, but they didn't foresee us not producing anything any more. It got to the point where we were paying in tonnes for little to no benefit to ourselves. Once Juncker started talking about adding Turkey to th EU, and after Merkel invited the 3rd world to settle with freedom-of-movement EU passports, bongs basically demanded a referendum. Our PM at the time tried to negotiate with the EU to no avail, nobody expected a leave vote to be successful. The plebs decided to put a cross next to "fuck you" and here we are, 6 years later and every pearl clutching yummy mummy from here to Berlin is still seething their tits off.

Ultimately, they filibustered it for so long that bongs forgot that the point of brexit was to hold our own politicians more accountable, but they still just bus over migrants from Calais. We all know they're coming here because the gibs are best, sooner or later our civil servant termites are gonna rot the tree away

They are
>Crops left in the field
Didn't happen, they had plenty of time to transition, gave special visas to itinerant EU workers and business as usual for non-EU workers
>Travel chaos
Vaccine mandates and half the travel industry getting laid off during the holocough.
It's all lies, ignore anything the Guardian says

The hope was we'd get to at least slow the flow of rapists, and maybe get to deport some of the ones here, but the UK is still signed up to the European court of Human rights (not an EU thing) and they always rule in favour of brown rapists.

Real socialism has never been tried before

Imagine being in the EU, and those French bastards are able to enter your country as they please. Fuck that.

Greedy Euro bastards in the administration
And more wogs

Immigrants do the work the english wont do. They also bring energy and excitement to the country.

You cunts redeemed the based pass with Brexit but honestly all good will is gone now

Delicious bait Juan

full story of how Florin Ion took a bus to Romania and kicked a mum to death

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Because the EU violated the terms we agreed to. It claimed to be "just a trading block", now it's trying to establish itself as the USA 2.0. We didn't consent to the USA 2.0, and people who retroactively try to change the terms people did consent to don't respect consent. They have the mentality of a rapist and should be opposed on principle. Even the rhetoric employed by the EU and it's supporters is almost identical to that of an abusive ex boyfriend. They can't even admit to their own faults. They refuse to even accept that their own behaviour is what alienated people. They just put their fingers in their ears, call us dumb and declare themselves paragons of empathy, and then wonder why dissatisfaction is spreading to other countries (V4, Italy etc) in spite of their god-tier diplomacy. It's a crypto USA 2.0 with neoliberalism built into it at a constitutional level, and both the USA and neoliberalism are in a nosedive currently. They built it from the ground up around an ideology that was revealed to be defunct within a generation of its inception, but now they are too committed to it to change course.

The EU doesn't unite the people, it unites the elite. The elite rule by D&Cing the people. The people reassert control by D&Cing the elite. Destroying the EU is D&Cing the elite, and thus in the interests of the people. When the elite no longer need to watch their backs against external powers, they always start directing their paranoia inwards against their own people. Having the EU antagonizing our elite is a good thing since it creates conditions that can be leveraged to force the elite to compromise with the people (as for whether the people take advantage of these conditions is another story). When the elite don't need to watch their backs against external powers, they can focus all of their efforts on suppressing their own people which is precisely the mess we have been in since the fall of the USSR and the transformation of the unipolar US world order into a surveillance dystopia. The EU will never act as a counterbalancing force in the same way the USSR did because the EU is full of the same neolibs and green leftists as the US. The antithesis of the corrupt US unipolar world order is nationalism, and thus any counterbalancing superpower must be a nationalist union. The EU could've been this if didn't retroactively change the terms people originally agreed to, but now they are just USA 2.0 and hopes rest on China. Globalism was a failed ideology before it was even tried, since it was known in advance from the development of programming etc that doing everything globally => impossible to debug spaghetti mess. Corruption is literally just bugs but in the "political code" and it's no coincidence that the political code becomes harder and harder to debug the more we insist on doing everything globally. Modularity has demonstrated itself as the superior strategy in all other engineering contexts, and the design and maintenance of societies is no different. Modularity applied to the design of societies => nationalism.

Envy you guys for jumping ship just in time. I remember like a decade ago we were laughing about EU rules about the appearance of pickles and now it's a dystopian bureaucratic moloch, with more and more intrusive laws and agendas by the week.

missing your gibs, europoor?