Less Than A Decade

Just how did American political and societal culture change so much in less than a decade's time? 2012 to 2018 seem like very different times. The beginning of the 2010s feels like an entirely different era compared to the late 2010s. Even still, the 2020s are shaping up to be something worse.

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It's been many years since it's gotten worse than I ever thought it could have

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2012 was a change in cycles

Surf the Kali Yuga

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Hey, look, it's George Soros in that picture. I think he had a lot to do with it, but I don't exactly know how he and his thugs accomplished what they did. Fundamentally, what explains that?

Well your question is incredibly vague and the topic is obviously very complex... you have a million different interest groups interacting and working for their own benefit.

Basically you have total jewish takeover of media and money after the 08 crash. And with their combined money and political activism, they can influence quite a lot it turns out.

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glowies on banker payroll

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>end of cold war
>great faith within liberal democratic egalitarian values
>racial reconciliation as in people no longer caring
>war on terror
>2008 lehman shock
>people start noticing things
>people suffering because they need to "save" corpos
>false wars to feed the powerful
>2012 occupy wall street
>first they get called communists and thus got alienated by the society
>kikes still feel insecure because people are united
>black and white and yellow
>male and female and non binaries
>capitalist socialist fascist
>zoomer boomer millenials
>kike rats keep atomizing the people
>now people fight over which gender is real or not instead of addressing the rampant inflation soley caused by irresponsible money printing
>now people argue over if black lives matter in outer space or not when labor's value is going shit, no one can afford anything.
Don't worry.
You will see the npcs unite in the face of Russia and China.
Just like good ol times...
And break up all over again
Because people forget.
People are dumb.

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Why do people see Occupy as some legitimate movement? it was about as phony as the BLM shit we see today. People play revisionist history on this one all the time.
>Occupy Wall Street Was Organized From Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front - The Working Family Party

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Race is a much stronger and more natural division than 'class.' That's one factor.

Obama planted the seed; it bore fruit under Trump.
Few people seem to realize how much Obama changed America and the world. And I'm sure Obama is still pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes now that his senile vice president has become president.

And guess what? they were actually spreading degeneracy at occupy. This photo that lefties like to use is cherry picked to make them look less gay.

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Your image shows why. We went after the government, thus the infiltration amplified and their plans accelerated.
Same reason why businesses and homes getting burned in riots warrants a passive police and government force, but attacking the capitol warrants years of investigations, arrests, harassment, etc. by police and government forces.

>muh OWS
what's with this dumb narrative that the bankers were supposedly threatened by OWSoomers?
OWS itself was supported by Soros and pals

It is 100% Jews.

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It's unreal that the elites knew women were brainless nigger cattle that would fall for every trick in the book. They literally based their entire deflectionary tactic around it

Occupy wall st in reality was filled with stupid hippies, annoying marxists, Antifa fags, liberals and the people you'd expect to see in those same riots you're seeing around America today, I guarantee you it's the same people.

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the thing is both floats and their reps need to be slaughtered.

These people were mocked for a reason, because it was just an incoherent clusterfuck for the most part, full of many stupid people sending all kinds of mixed messages.

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How you mock lefties now, is how we were still mocking them back then. Nothing changed.

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they infiltrated and shut down occupy wallstreet and fast as they could

There was no 'infiltration' the whole thing was never genuine to begin with.