What did he mean by this?

Attached: scottmonkey.png (596x334, 35.05K)

Groomers gonna groom.

not gonna take it at all

no fucking way this tweet is real

>named weiner
>advocates for fucking children
no surprise here

>like africa
is he trying to say something hmmm?

What did you expect? Scott Weiner is a faggot jew babyraper.

Oh, it's that kike who wants to normalize fucking kids.

Given this guys past he probably does believe it though

ok but unironically prove him wrong. getting chickenpox early in life makes you essentially immune to it in your later life.

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Made me look, but coming from this kike faggot pedo-defender, I could believe it

The answer is no immigration and firebombing shitholes where diseases are rampant

we need to learn to live with monkeypox like we need to learn to live with africa?

A better way to stop monkeypox is to gas all the faggots.


Spread it on social media OP. Doesn't have to be real, leftists deserve the backlash anyway and the angry masses will do the rest

How is monkeypox even a thing. What lab did they fart this one out of

Chicken pox is not in the same family as monkeypox. Chicken pox is a herpes virus. Monkeypox is smallpox. Exposing children to monkeypox is a good way to get them killed. Unlike covid where 8x as many children died from motor vehicle accidents.

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I've been following this guy for years and I'm amazed he hasn't been lynched.
Everything he's done has made it easier of predators and degenerates.

Also getting chickenpox as a child strongly increases risk of developing shingles in middle age.

>Everything he's done has made it easier of predators and degenerates.
He's a state senator representing San Francisco. Predators and degenerates are his constituency.

shingles is literally the same virus retard
weak immune system niggas never recover and the virus stays dormant

I vaccinated both my boys but they still got monkeypox somehow

>listen to your weiner
>give kids monkey aids
What did twitter mean by this?

Child molester detected, press X to continue

>What did he mean by this?
It's cleary written right on his post, ignorant ass.

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People don't die from chicken pox, they die from shingles. They're the same virus with different conditions due to age.